No matter which MockMvc builder you use, all MockMvcBuilder implementations provide some common and very useful features. For example, you can declare an Accept header for all requests and expect a status of 200 as well as a Content-Type header in all responses, as

// static import of MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup

MockMvc mockMvc = standaloneSetup(new MusicController())
// Not possible in Kotlin until {kotlin-issues}/KT-22208 is fixed

In addition, third-party frameworks (and applications) can pre-package setup instructions, such as those in a MockMvcConfigurer. The Spring Framework has one such built-in implementation that helps to save and re-use the HTTP session across requests. You can use it as

// static import of SharedHttpSessionConfigurer.sharedHttpSession

MockMvc mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new TestController())

// Use mockMvc to perform requests...
// Not possible in Kotlin until {kotlin-issues}/KT-22208 is fixed

See the javadoc for ConfigurableMockMvcBuilder for a list of all MockMvc builder features or use the IDE to explore the available