
In the programmatic model, CommandRegistration can be defined as a @Bean and it will be automatically

CommandRegistration commandRegistration() {
	return CommandRegistration.builder()

If all your commands have something in common, an instance of a CommandRegistration.BuilderSupplier is created which can be autowired. Default implementation of this supplier returns a new builder so you don’t need to worry about its internal

Commands registered programmatically automatically add help options mentioned in Help Options.

If bean of this supplier type is defined then auto-configuration will back off giving you an option to redefine default

CommandRegistration commandRegistration(CommandRegistration.BuilderSupplier builder) {
	return builder.get()

CommandRegistrationCustomizer beans can be defined if you want to centrally modify builder instance given you by supplier mentioned

CommandRegistrationCustomizer commandRegistrationCustomizerExample() {
	return builder -> {
		// customize instance of CommandRegistration.Builder