Exit Code Mappings

Default behaviour of an exit codes is as:spring-doc.cn

Every CommandRegistration can define its own mappings between Exception and exit code. Essentially we’re bound to functionality in Spring Boot regarding exit code and simply integrate into that.spring-doc.cn

Assuming there is an exception show below which would be thrown from a command:spring-doc.cn

static class MyException extends RuntimeException {

	private final int code;

	MyException(String msg, int code) {
		this.code = code;

	public int getCode() {
		return code;

It is possible to define a mapping function between Throwable and exit code. You can also just configure a class to exit code which is just a syntactic sugar within configurations.spring-doc.cn

		.map(MyException.class, 3)
		.map(t -> {
			if (t instanceof MyException) {
				return ((MyException) t).getCode();
			return 0;
Exit codes cannot be customized with annotation based configuration