19. Spring MVC Integration

This chapter shows how to integrate Web Flow into a Spring MVC web application. The booking-mvc sample application is a good reference for Spring MVC with Web Flow. This application is a simplified travel site that lets users search for and book hotel rooms.spring-doc.cn

19.1. Configuring web.xml

The first step to using Spring MVC is to configure the DispatcherServlet in web.xml. You typically do this once per web application.spring-doc.cn

The following example maps all requests that begin with /spring/ to DispatcherServlet. An init-param is used to provide the contextConfigLocation. This is the configuration file for the web application.spring-doc.cn

	<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>

	<servlet-name>Spring MVC Dispatcher Servlet</servlet-name>

19.2. Dispatching to Flows

DispatcherServlet maps requests for application resources to handlers. A flow is one type of handler.spring-doc.cn

19.2.1. Registering FlowHandlerAdapter

The first step to dispatching requests to flows is to enable flow handling within Spring MVC. To do so, install the FlowHandlerAdapter, as follows:spring-doc.cn

<!-- Enables FlowHandler URL mapping -->
<bean class="org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerAdapter">
	<property name="flowExecutor" ref="flowExecutor" />

19.2.2. Defining Flow Mappings

Once flow handling is enabled, the next step is to map specific application resources to your flows. The simplest way to do this is to define a FlowHandlerMapping, as follows:spring-doc.cn

<!-- Maps request paths to flows in the flowRegistry;
	e.g. a path of /hotels/booking looks for a flow with id "hotels/booking" -->
<bean class="org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerMapping">
	<property name="flowRegistry" ref="flowRegistry"/>
	<property name="order" value="0"/>

Configuring this mapping lets the Dispatcher map application resource paths to flows in a flow registry. For example, accessing the /hotels/booking resource path would result in a registry query for the flow with an ID of hotels/booking. If a flow with that ID is found, that flow handles the request. If no flow is found, the next handler mapping in the dispatcher’s ordered chain is queried or a noHandlerFound response is returned.spring-doc.cn

19.2.3. Flow-handling Workflow

When a valid flow mapping is found, the FlowHandlerAdapter figures out whether to start a new execution of that flow or resume an existing execution based on information present the HTTP request. The adapter employs a number of defaults related to starting and resuming flow executions:spring-doc.cn

  • HTTP request parameters are made available in the input map of all starting flow executions.spring-doc.cn

  • When a flow execution ends without sending a final response, the default handler tries to start a new execution in the same request.spring-doc.cn

  • Unhandled exceptions are propagated to the Dispatcher, unless the exception is a NoSuchFlowExecutionException. The default handler tries to recover from a NoSuchFlowExecutionException by starting over with a new execution.spring-doc.cn

See the API documentation for FlowHandlerAdapter for more information. You may override these defaults by subclassing or by implementing your own FlowHandler, as discussed in the next section.spring-doc.cn

19.3. Implementing Custom Flow Handlers

FlowHandler is the extension point that can be used to customize how flows are used in a HTTP servlet environment. A FlowHandler is used by the FlowHandlerAdapter and is responsible for:spring-doc.cn

  • Returning the id of a flow definition to invokespring-doc.cn

  • Creating the input to pass new invocations of that flow as they are startedspring-doc.cn

  • Handling outcomes returned by invocations of that flow as they endspring-doc.cn

  • Handling any exceptions thrown by invocations of that flow as they occurspring-doc.cn

These responsibilities are illustrated in the definition of the org.springframework.mvc.servlet.FlowHandler interface:spring-doc.cn

public interface FlowHandler {

	public String getFlowId();

	public MutableAttributeMap createExecutionInputMap(HttpServletRequest request);

	public String handleExecutionOutcome(FlowExecutionOutcome outcome,
		HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);

	public String handleException(FlowException e,
		HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response);

To implement a FlowHandler, subclass AbstractFlowHandler. All these operations are optional. If you do not implement them, the defaults apply. You need only override the methods that you need. Specifically, you should:spring-doc.cn

  • Override getFlowId(HttpServletRequest) when the ID of your flow cannot be directly derived from the HTTP request. By default, the ID of the flow to invoke is derived from the pathInfo portion of the request URI. For example, http://localhost/app/hotels/booking?hotelId=1 results in a flow ID of hotels/booking by default.spring-doc.cn

  • Override createExecutionInputMap(HttpServletRequest) when you need fine-grained control over extracting flow input parameters from the HttpServletRequest. By default, all request parameters are treated as flow input parameters.spring-doc.cn

  • Override handleExecutionOutcome when you need to handle specific flow execution outcomes in a custom manner. The default behavior sends a redirect to the ended flow’s URL to restart a new execution of the flow.spring-doc.cn

  • Override handleException when you need fine-grained control over unhandled flow exceptions. The default behavior attempts to restart the flow when a client attempts to access an ended or expired flow execution. Any other exception is re-thrown to the Spring MVC ExceptionResolver infrastructure by default.spring-doc.cn

19.3.1. Example FlowHandler

A common interaction pattern between Spring MVC and Web Flow is for a flow to redirect to a @Controller when it ends. FlowHandler instances let this be done without coupling the flow definition itself with a specific controller URL. The following example FlowHandler redirects to a Spring MVC Controller:spring-doc.cn

public class BookingFlowHandler extends AbstractFlowHandler {
	public String handleExecutionOutcome(FlowExecutionOutcome outcome,
										HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {
		if (outcome.getId().equals("bookingConfirmed")) {
			return "/booking/show?bookingId=" + outcome.getOutput().get("bookingId");
		} else {
			return "/hotels/index";

Since this handler needs only to handle flow invocation outcomes in a custom manner, nothing else is overridden. The bookingConfirmed outcome results in a redirect to show the new booking. Any other outcome redirects back to the hotel’s index page.spring-doc.cn

19.3.2. Deploying a Custom FlowHandler

To install a custom FlowHandler, you need to deploy it as a bean. The bean name must match the ID of the flow to which the handler should apply. The following example creates a bean that matches the hotels/booking flow:spring-doc.cn

<bean name="hotels/booking" class="org.springframework.webflow.samples.booking.BookingFlowHandler" />

With this configuration, accessing the resource /hotels/booking launches the hotels/booking flow by using the custom BookingFlowHandler. When the booking flow ends, the FlowHandler processes the flow execution outcome and redirects to the appropriate controller.spring-doc.cn

19.3.3. FlowHandler Redirects

A FlowHandler that handles a FlowExecutionOutcome or FlowException returns a String to indicate the resource to which to redirect after handling. In the example shown in the previous section, the BookingFlowHandler redirects to the booking/show resource URI for bookingConfirmed outcomes and to the hotels/index resource URI for all other outcomes.spring-doc.cn

By default, returned resource locations are relative to the current servlet mapping. This allows for a flow handler to redirect to other controllers in the application by using relative paths. In addition, explicit redirect prefixes are supported for cases where more control is needed.spring-doc.cn

The explicit redirect prefixes supported are:spring-doc.cn

  • servletRelative:: Redirect to a resource relative to the current servletspring-doc.cn

  • contextRelative:: Redirect to a resource relative to the current web application context pathspring-doc.cn

  • serverRelative:: Redirect to a resource relative to the server rootspring-doc.cn

  • http:// or https://: Redirect to a fully qualified resource URIspring-doc.cn

These same redirect prefixes are also supported within a flow definition when you use the externalRedirect: directive in conjunction with a view-state or an end-state — for example, view="externalRedirect:https://springframework.org".spring-doc.cn

19.4. View Resolution

Unless otherwise specified, Web Flow maps selected view identifiers to files located within the flow’s working directory. For existing Spring MVC and Web Flow applications, an external ViewResolver is likely already handling this mapping for you. Therefore, to continue using that resolver and to avoid having to change how your existing flow views are packaged, you can configure Web Flow as follows:spring-doc.cn

<webflow:flow-registry id="flowRegistry" flow-builder-services="flowBuilderServices">
	<webflow:location path="/WEB-INF/hotels/booking/booking.xml" />

<webflow:flow-builder-services id="flowBuilderServices" view-factory-creator="mvcViewFactoryCreator"/>

<bean id="mvcViewFactoryCreator" class="org.springframework.webflow.mvc.builder.MvcViewFactoryCreator">
	<property name="viewResolvers" ref="myExistingViewResolverToUseForFlows"/>

MvcViewFactoryCreator is the factory that lets you configure how the Spring MVC view system is used inside Spring Web Flow. You can use it to configure existing ViewResolver instances as well as other services, such as a custom MessageCodesResolver. You may also let data binding use Spring MVC’s native BeanWrapper by setting the useSpringBinding flag to true. This is an alternative to using the Unified EL for view-to-model data binding. See the JavaDoc API of this class for more information.spring-doc.cn

19.5. Signaling an Event from a View

When a flow enters a view-state, it pauses, redirects the user to its execution URL, and waits for a user event to resume. Events are generally signaled by activating buttons, links, or other user interface commands. How events are decoded server-side is specific to the view technology in use. This section shows how to trigger events from HTML-based views generated by templating engines such as JSP, Velocity, or Freemarker.spring-doc.cn

19.5.1. Using a Named HTML Button to Signal an Event

The following example shows two buttons on the same form that signal proceed and cancel events when clicked, respectively:spring-doc.cn

<input type="submit" name="_eventId_proceed" value="Proceed" />
<input type="submit" name="_eventId_cancel" value="Cancel" />

When a button is pressed, Web Flow finds a request parameter name beginning with _eventId_ and treats the remaining substring as the event ID. So in this example, submitting \_eventId_proceed becomes proceed. This style should be considered when there are several different events that can be signaled from the same form.spring-doc.cn

19.5.2. Using a Hidden HTML Form Parameter to Signal an Event

The following example shows a form that signals the proceed event when submitted:spring-doc.cn

<input type="submit" value="Proceed" />
<input type="hidden" name="_eventId" value="proceed" />

Here, Web Flow detects the special \_eventId parameter and uses its value as the event ID. This style should be considered only when there is one event that can be signaled on the form.spring-doc.cn

The following example shows a link that signals the cancel event when activated:spring-doc.cn

<a href="${flowExecutionUrl}&_eventId=cancel">Cancel</a>

Firing an event results in an HTTP request being sent back to the server. On the server-side, the flow handles decoding the event from within its current view-state. How this decoding process works is specific to the view implementation. Recall that a Spring MVC view implementation looks for a request parameter named _eventId. If no \_eventId parameter is found, the view looks for a parameter that starts with \_eventId_ and uses the remaining substring as the event ID. If neither case exists, no flow event is triggered.spring-doc.cn

19.6. Embedding a Flow on a Page

By default, when a flow enters a view state, it performs a client-side redirect before rendering the view. This approach is known as POST-REDIRECT-GET. It has the advantage of separating the form processing for one view from the rendering of the next view. As a result, the browser Back and Refresh buttons work seamlessly without causing any browser warnings.spring-doc.cn

Normally, the client-side redirect is transparent from a user’s perspective. However, there are situations where POST-REDIRECT-GET may not bring the same benefits. For example, a flow may be embedded on a page and driven by Ajax requests refreshing only the area of the page that belongs to the flow. Not only is it unnecessary to use client-side redirects in this case, it is also not the desired behavior with regards to keeping the surrounding content of the page intact.spring-doc.cn

The Handling Ajax Requests section explains how to do partial rendering during Ajax requests. The focus of this section is to explain how to control flow execution redirect behavior during Ajax requests. To indicate that a flow should run in “page embedded” mode, append an extra parameter when launching the flow, as follows:spring-doc.cn


When launched in “page embedded” mode, a flow does not issue flow execution redirects during Ajax requests. The mode=embedded parameter needs to be passed only when launching the flow. Your only other concern is to use Ajax requests and to render only the content required to update the portion of the page displaying the flow.spring-doc.cn

19.6.1. Embedded Mode Versus Default Redirect Behavior

By default, Web Flow does a client-side redirect upon entering every view state. However, if you remain in the same view state (for example, a transition without a to attribute) during an Ajax request, there is no client-side redirect. It is appropriate for a top-level flow that supports the browser back button while still taking advantage of Ajax and partial rendering for use cases where you remain in the same view such as form validation, paging trough search results, and others. However, transitions to a new view state are always followed with a client-side redirect. That makes it impossible to embed a flow on a page or within a modal dialog and execute more than one view state without causing a full-page refresh. Hence, if your use case requires embedding a flow, you can launch it in “embedded” mode.spring-doc.cn

19.6.2. Embedded Flow Examples

For examples of a flow embedded on a page and within a modal dialog, see the webflow-showcase project. You can check out the source code locally, build it as you would a Maven project, and import it into Eclipse, as follows:spring-doc.cn

cd some-directory
git clone https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-webflow-samples.git
cd spring-webflow-samples/webflow-showcase
mvn package
# import into Eclipse

19.7. Saving Flow Output to MVC Flash Scope

You can automatically save flow output to MVC flash scope when an end-state performs an internal redirect. This is particularly useful when displaying a summary screen at the end of a flow. For backwards compatibility, this feature is disabled by default. To enable it, set saveOutputToFlashScopeOnRedirect on your FlowHandlerAdapter to true, as follows:spring-doc.cn

<!-- Enables FlowHandler URL mapping -->
<bean class="org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerAdapter">
	<property name="flowExecutor" ref="flowExecutor" />
	<property name="saveOutputToFlashScopeOnRedirect" value="true" />

The following example adds confirmationNumber to the MVC flash scope before redirecting to the summary screen.spring-doc.cn

<end-state id="finish" view="externalRedirect:summary">
	<output name="confirmationNumber" value="booking.confirmationNumber" />