This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Shell 3.3.3!


When you use Flow Components to build something that involves use of a multiple components, your implementation may become a bit cluttered. To ease these use cases, we added a ComponentFlow that can hook multiple component executions together as a “flow”

The following listings show examples of flows and their output in a

static class FlowSampleComplex {

	private ComponentFlow.Builder componentFlowBuilder;

	public void runFlow() {
		List<SelectItem> single1SelectItems = Arrays.asList(SelectItem.of("key1", "value1"),
				SelectItem.of("key2", "value2"));
		List<SelectItem> multi1SelectItems = Arrays.asList(SelectItem.of("key1", "value1"),
				SelectItem.of("key2", "value2"), SelectItem.of("key3", "value3"));
		ComponentFlow flow = componentFlowBuilder.clone().reset()


Normal execution order of a components is same as defined with a builder. It’s possible to conditionally choose where to jump in a flow by using a next function and returning target component id. If this returned id is aither null or doesn’t exist flow is essentially stopped right

static class FlowSampleConditional {

	private ComponentFlow.Builder componentFlowBuilder;

	public void runFlow() {
		Map<String, String> single1SelectItems = new HashMap<>();
		single1SelectItems.put("Field1", "field1");
		single1SelectItems.put("Field2", "field2");
		ComponentFlow flow = componentFlowBuilder.clone().reset()
					.next(ctx -> ctx.getResultItem().get().getItem())
					.next(ctx -> null)
					.next(ctx -> null)

The result from running a flow returns ComponentFlowResult, which you can use to do further actions.