8. Components

Components are a set of features which are either build-in or something you can re-use or extend for your own needs. Components in question are either built-in commands or UI side components providing higher level features within commands itself.spring-doc.cn

8.1. Flow

When you use Flow Components to build something that involves use of a multiple components, your implementation may become a bit cluttered. To ease these use cases, we added a ComponentFlow that can hook multiple component executions together as a “flow”.spring-doc.cn

The following listings show examples of flows and their output in a shell:spring-doc.cn

static class FlowSampleComplex {

	private ComponentFlow.Builder componentFlowBuilder;

	public void runFlow() {
		Map<String, String> single1SelectItems = new HashMap<>();
		single1SelectItems.put("key1", "value1");
		single1SelectItems.put("key2", "value2");
		List<SelectItem> multi1SelectItems = Arrays.asList(SelectItem.of("key1", "value1"),
				SelectItem.of("key2", "value2"), SelectItem.of("key3", "value3"));
		ComponentFlow flow = componentFlowBuilder.clone().reset()

text input

Normal execution order of a components is same as defined with a builder. It’s possible to conditionally choose where to jump in a flow by using a next function and returning target component id. If this returned id is aither null or doesn’t exist flow is essentially stopped right there.spring-doc.cn

static class FlowSampleConditional {

	private ComponentFlow.Builder componentFlowBuilder;

	public void runFlow() {
		Map<String, String> single1SelectItems = new HashMap<>();
		single1SelectItems.put("Field1", "field1");
		single1SelectItems.put("Field2", "field2");
		ComponentFlow flow = componentFlowBuilder.clone().reset()
					.next(ctx -> ctx.getResultItem().get().getItem())
					.next(ctx -> null)
					.next(ctx -> null)

text input
The result from running a flow returns ComponentFlowResult, which you can use to do further actions.

8.2. Flow Components

Starting from version 2.1.x, a new component model provides an easier way to create higher-level user interaction for the usual use cases, such as asking for input in various forms. These usually are just plain text input or choosing something from a list.spring-doc.cn

Templates for built-in components are in the org/springframework/shell/component classpath.spring-doc.cn

Built-in components generally follow this logic:spring-doc.cn

  1. Enter a run loop for user input.spring-doc.cn

  2. Generate component-related context.spring-doc.cn

  3. Render the runtime status of a component state.spring-doc.cn

  4. Exit.spring-doc.cn

  5. Render the final status of a component state.spring-doc.cn

Flow gives better interface for defining the flow of components that are better suited for defining interactive command flows.

8.2.1. Component Render

You can implement component rendering in either of two ways: fully programmatically or by using a ANTLR Stringtemplate. Strictly speaking, there is a simple Function renderer interface that takes Context as an input and outputs a list of AttributedString. This lets you choose between templating and code.spring-doc.cn

Templating is a good choice if you do not need to do anything complex or you just want to slightly modify existing component layouts. Rendering through code then gives you flexibility to do whatever you need.spring-doc.cn

The programmatic way to render is to create a Function:spring-doc.cn

class StringInputCustomRenderer implements Function<StringInputContext, List<AttributedString>> {
	public List<AttributedString> apply(StringInputContext context) {
		AttributedStringBuilder builder = new AttributedStringBuilder();
		builder.append(" ");
		if (context.getResultValue() != null) {
		else  {
			String input = context.getInput();
			if (StringUtils.hasText(input)) {
			else {
				builder.append("[Default " + context.getDefaultValue() + "]");
		return Arrays.asList(builder.toAttributedString());

Then you can hook it to a component:spring-doc.cn

@ShellMethod(key = "component stringcustom", value = "String input", group = "Components")
public String stringInputCustom(boolean mask) {
	StringInput component = new StringInput(getTerminal(), "Enter value", "myvalue",
			new StringInputCustomRenderer());
	if (mask) {
	StringInputContext context = component.run(StringInputContext.empty());
	return "Got value " + context.getResultValue();

Components have their own context but usually share some functionality from a parent component types. The following tables show those context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 7. TextComponentContext Template Variables
Key Description


The value after a component renders its result.spring-doc.cn


The name of a component — that is, its title.spring-doc.cn


The possible message set for a component.spring-doc.cn


The level of a message — one of INFO, WARN, or ERROR.spring-doc.cn


Return true if level is INFO. Otherwise, false.spring-doc.cn


Return true if level is WARN. Otherwise, false.spring-doc.cn


Return true if level is ERROR. Otherwise, false.spring-doc.cn


The raw user input.spring-doc.cn

Table 8. SelectorComponentContext Template Variables
Key Description


The name of a component — that is, its title.spring-doc.cn


The raw user input — mostly used for filtering.spring-doc.cn


The full list of item states.spring-doc.cn


The visible list of item states.spring-doc.cn


Return true if the context is in a result mode.spring-doc.cn


The current cursor row in a selector.spring-doc.cn

Table 9. ComponentContext Template Variables
Key Description


The width of terminal, type is Integer and defaults to NULL if not set.spring-doc.cn

8.2.2. String Input

The string input component asks a user for simple text input, optionally masking values if the content contains something sensitive. The following listing shows an example:spring-doc.cn

public class ComponentCommands extends AbstractShellComponent {

	@ShellMethod(key = "component string", value = "String input", group = "Components")
	public String stringInput(boolean mask) {
		StringInput component = new StringInput(getTerminal(), "Enter value", "myvalue");
		if (mask) {
		StringInputContext context = component.run(StringInputContext.empty());
		return "Got value " + context.getResultValue();

The following image shows typical output from a string input component:spring-doc.cn

text input

The context object is StringInputContext. The following table lists its context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 10. StringInputContext Template Variables
Key Description


The default value, if set. Otherwise, null.spring-doc.cn


The masked input valuespring-doc.cn


The masked result valuespring-doc.cn


The mask character, if set. Otherwise, null.spring-doc.cn


true if a mask character is set. Otherwise, false.spring-doc.cn


The parent context variables (see TextComponentContext Template Variables).spring-doc.cn

8.2.3. Path Input

The path input component asks a user for a Path and gives additional information about a path itself.spring-doc.cn

public class ComponentCommands extends AbstractShellComponent {

	@ShellMethod(key = "component path input", value = "Path input", group = "Components")
	public String pathInput() {
		PathInput component = new PathInput(getTerminal(), "Enter value");
		PathInputContext context = component.run(PathInputContext.empty());
		return "Got value " + context.getResultValue();

The following image shows typical output from a path input component:spring-doc.cn

text input

The context object is PathInputContext. The following table describes its context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 11. PathInputContext Template Variables
Key Description


The parent context variables (see TextComponentContext Template Variables).spring-doc.cn

8.2.4. Path Search

The path search component asks base directory for scan and optional search expression. Results are shown in a single select list where user can pick a path. PathSearchConfig can be used to customise component behaviour.spring-doc.cn

PathSearchConfig config = new PathSearch.PathSearchConfig();

PathSearch component = new PathSearch(getTerminal(), "Enter value", config);

PathSearchContext context = component.run(PathSearchContext.empty());
return "Got value " + context.getResultValue();
Logic for search is passed as is into algorithms documented in Search Algorithms.

The following image shows typical output from a path search component:spring-doc.cn

text input

The context object is PathSearchContext. The following table describes its context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 12. PathSearchContext Template Variables
Key Description


The items available for rendering search results.spring-doc.cn


The parent context variables (see TextComponentContext Template Variables).spring-doc.cn

8.2.5. Confirmation

The confirmation component asks a user for a simple confirmation. It is essentially a yes-or-no question.spring-doc.cn

public class ComponentCommands extends AbstractShellComponent {

	@ShellMethod(key = "component confirmation", value = "Confirmation input", group = "Components")
	public String confirmationInput(boolean no) {
		ConfirmationInput component = new ConfirmationInput(getTerminal(), "Enter value", !no);
		ConfirmationInputContext context = component.run(ConfirmationInputContext.empty());
		return "Got value " + context.getResultValue();

The following image shows the typical output from a confirmation component:spring-doc.cn

text input

The context object is ConfirmationInputContext. The following table describes its context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 13. ConfirmationInputContext Template Variables
Key Description


The default value — either true or false.spring-doc.cn


The parent context variables (see TextComponentContext Template Variables).spring-doc.cn

8.2.6. Single Select

A single select component asks a user to choose one item from a list. It is similar to a simple dropbox implementation. The following listing shows an example:spring-doc.cn

public class ComponentCommands extends AbstractShellComponent {

	@ShellMethod(key = "component single", value = "Single selector", group = "Components")
	public String singleSelector() {
		SelectorItem<String> i1 = SelectorItem.of("key1", "value1");
		SelectorItem<String> i2 = SelectorItem.of("key2", "value2");
		List<SelectorItem<String>> items = Arrays.asList(i1, i2);
		SingleItemSelector<String, SelectorItem<String>> component = new SingleItemSelector<>(getTerminal(),
				items, "testSimple", null);
		SingleItemSelectorContext<String, SelectorItem<String>> context = component
		String result = context.getResultItem().flatMap(si -> Optional.ofNullable(si.getItem())).get();
		return "Got value " + result;

The following image shows typical output for a single select component:spring-doc.cn

text input

The context object is SingleItemSelectorContext. The following table describes its context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 14. SingleItemSelectorContext Template Variables
Key Description


The returned value when the component exists.spring-doc.cn


The visible items, where rows contains maps of name and selected items.spring-doc.cn


The parent context variables (see SelectorComponentContext Template Variables).spring-doc.cn

You can pre-select an item by defining it to get exposed. This is useful if you know the default and lets the user merely press Enter to make a choice. The following listing sets a default:spring-doc.cn

SelectorItem<String> i1 = SelectorItem.of("key1", "value1");
SelectorItem<String> i2 = SelectorItem.of("key2", "value2");
List<SelectorItem<String>> items = Arrays.asList(i1, i2);
SingleItemSelector<String, SelectorItem<String>> component = new SingleItemSelector<>(getTerminal(),
		items, "testSimple", null);

8.2.7. Multi Select

The multi select component asks a user to select multiple items from a list. The following listing shows an example:spring-doc.cn

public class ComponentCommands extends AbstractShellComponent {

	@ShellMethod(key = "component multi", value = "Multi selector", group = "Components")
	public String multiSelector() {
		List<SelectorItem<String>> items = new ArrayList<>();
		items.add(SelectorItem.of("key1", "value1"));
		items.add(SelectorItem.of("key2", "value2", false, true));
		items.add(SelectorItem.of("key3", "value3"));
		MultiItemSelector<String, SelectorItem<String>> component = new MultiItemSelector<>(getTerminal(),
				items, "testSimple", null);
		MultiItemSelectorContext<String, SelectorItem<String>> context = component
		String result = context.getResultItems().stream()
				.map(si -> si.getItem())
		return "Got value " + result;

The following image shows a typical multi-select component:spring-doc.cn

text input

The context object is MultiItemSelectorContext. The following table describes its context variables:spring-doc.cn

Table 15. MultiItemSelectorContext Template Variables
Key Description


The values returned when the component exists.spring-doc.cn


The visible items, where rows contain maps of name, selected, on-row, and enabled items.spring-doc.cn


The parent context variables (see SelectorComponentContext Template Variables).spring-doc.cn