This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Security 6.3.3!

This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Security 6.3.3!

Spring Security Kotlin configuration has been available since Spring Security 5.3. It lets users configure Spring Security by using a native Kotlin

Spring Security provides a sample application to demonstrate the use of Spring Security Kotlin

Spring Security provides a sample application to demonstrate the use of Spring Security Kotlin


How does Spring Security know that we want to require all users to be authenticated? How does Spring Security know we want to support form-based authentication? There is a configuration class (called SecurityFilterChain) that is being invoked behind the scenes. It is configured with the following default


open fun filterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
    http {
        authorizeHttpRequests {
            authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
        formLogin { }
        httpBasic { }
Make sure to import the function to enable the Kotlin DSL in your class, as the IDE will not always auto-import the method, causing compilation issues.

The default configuration (shown in the preceding example)

  • Ensures that any request to our application requires the user to be

  • Lets users authenticate with form-based

  • Lets users authenticate with HTTP Basic

Note that this configuration parallels the XML namespace

	<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="authenticated"/>
	<form-login />
	<http-basic />

Multiple HttpSecurity Instances

To effectively manage security in an application where certain areas need different protection, we can employ multiple filter chains alongside the securityMatcher DSL method. This approach allows us to define distinct security configurations tailored to specific parts of the application, enhancing overall application security and

We can configure multiple HttpSecurity instances just as we can have multiple <http> blocks in XML. The key is to register multiple SecurityFilterChain @Beans. The following example has a different configuration for URLs that begin with /api/


class MultiHttpSecurityConfig {
    @Bean                                                            (1)
    open fun userDetailsService(): UserDetailsService {
        val users = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
        val manager = InMemoryUserDetailsManager()
        return manager

    @Order(1)                                                        (2)
    open fun apiFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        http {
            securityMatcher("/api/**")                               (3)
            authorizeHttpRequests {
                authorize(anyRequest, hasRole("ADMIN"))
            httpBasic { }

    @Bean                                                            (4)
    open fun formLoginFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        http {
            authorizeHttpRequests {
                authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
            formLogin { }
1 Configure Authentication as usual.
2 Create an instance of SecurityFilterChain that contains @Order to specify which SecurityFilterChain should be considered first.
3 The http.securityMatcher() states that this HttpSecurity is applicable only to URLs that begin with /api/.
4 Create another instance of SecurityFilterChain. If the URL does not begin with /api/, this configuration is used. This configuration is considered after apiFilterChain, since it has an @Order value after 1 (no @Order defaults to last).

Choosing securityMatcher or requestMatchers

A common question

What is the difference between the http.securityMatcher() method and requestMatchers() used for request authorization (i.e. inside of http.authorizeHttpRequests())?

To answer this question, it helps to understand that each HttpSecurity instance used to build a SecurityFilterChain contains a RequestMatcher to match incoming requests. If a request does not match a SecurityFilterChain with higher priority (e.g. @Order(1)), the request can be tried against a filter chain with lower priority (e.g. no @Order)

The matching logic for multiple filter chains is performed by the

The default RequestMatcher matches any request to ensure Spring Security protects all requests by

Specifying a securityMatcher overrides this

If no filter chain matches a particular request, the request is not protected by Spring

The following example demonstrates a single filter chain that only protects requests that begin with /secured/


class PartialSecurityConfig {
	open fun userDetailsService(): UserDetailsService {
		// ...

	open fun securedFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
		http {
			securityMatcher("/secured/**")                             (1)
			authorizeHttpRequests {
				authorize("/secured/user", hasRole("USER"))            (2)
				authorize("/secured/admin", hasRole("ADMIN"))          (3)
				authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)                   (4)
			httpBasic { }
			formLogin { }
1 Requests that begin with /secured/ will be protected but any other requests are not protected.
2 Requests to /secured/user require the ROLE_USER authority.
3 Requests to /secured/admin require the ROLE_ADMIN authority.
4 Any other requests (such as /secured/other) simply require an authenticated user.

It is recommended to provide a SecurityFilterChain that does not specify any securityMatcher to ensure the entire application is protected, as demonstrated in the earlier

Notice that the requestMatchers method only applies to individual authorization rules. Each request listed there must also match the overall securityMatcher for this particular HttpSecurity instance used to create the SecurityFilterChain. Using anyRequest() in this example matches all other requests within this particular SecurityFilterChain (which must begin with /secured/)

See Authorize HttpServletRequests for more information on

SecurityFilterChain Endpoints

Several filters in the SecurityFilterChain directly provide endpoints, such as the UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter which is set up by http.formLogin() and provides the POST /login endpoint. In the above example, the /login endpoint is not matched by http.securityMatcher("/secured/**") and therefore that application would not have any GET /login or POST /login endpoint. Such requests would return 404 Not Found. This is often surprising to

Specifying http.securityMatcher() affects what requests are matched by that SecurityFilterChain. However, it does not automatically affect endpoints provided by the filter chain. In such cases, you may need to customize the URL of any endpoints you would like the filter chain to

The following example demonstrates a configuration that secures requests that begin with /secured/ and denies all other requests, while also customizing endpoints provided by the


class SecuredSecurityConfig {
	open fun userDetailsService(): UserDetailsService {
		// ...

	open fun securedFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
		http {
			securityMatcher("/secured/**")                             (1)
			authorizeHttpRequests {
				authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)                   (2)
			formLogin {                                                (3)
                loginPage = "/secured/login"
                loginProcessingUrl = "/secured/login"
                permitAll = true
			logout {                                                   (4)
                logoutUrl = "/secured/logout"
                logoutSuccessUrl = "/secured/login?logout"
                permitAll = true

    open fun defaultFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        http {
            authorizeHttpRequests {
                authorize(anyRequest, denyAll)                         (5)
1 Requests that begin with /secured/ will be protected by this filter chain.
2 Requests that begin with /secured/ require an authenticated user.
3 Customize form login to prefix URLs with /secured/.
4 Customize logout to prefix URLs with /secured/.
5 All other requests will be denied.

This example customizes the login and logout pages, which disables Spring Security’s generated pages. You must provide your own custom endpoints for GET /secured/login and GET /secured/logout. Note that Spring Security still provides POST /secured/login and POST /secured/logout endpoints for

Real World Example

The following example demonstrates a slightly more real-world configuration putting all of these elements


class BankingSecurityConfig {
    @Bean                                                              (1)
    open fun userDetailsService(): UserDetailsService {
        val users = User.withDefaultPasswordEncoder()
        val manager = InMemoryUserDetailsManager()
        manager.createUser(users.username("user1").password("password").roles("USER", "VIEW_BALANCE").build())
        return manager

    @Order(1)                                                          (2)
    open fun approvalsSecurityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        val approvalsPaths = arrayOf("/accounts/approvals/**", "/loans/approvals/**", "/credit-cards/approvals/**")
        http {
            authorizeHttpRequests {
				authorize(anyRequest, hasRole("ADMIN"))
            httpBasic { }

    @Order(2)                                                          (3)
	open fun bankingSecurityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        val bankingPaths = arrayOf("/accounts/**", "/loans/**", "/credit-cards/**", "/balances/**")
		val viewBalancePaths = arrayOf("/balances/**")
        http {
            authorizeHttpRequests {
                authorize(viewBalancePaths, hasRole("VIEW_BALANCE"))
				authorize(anyRequest, hasRole("USER"))

    @Bean                                                              (4)
	open fun defaultSecurityFilterChain(http: HttpSecurity): SecurityFilterChain {
        val allowedPaths = arrayOf("/", "/user-login", "/user-logout", "/notices", "/contact", "/register")
        http {
            authorizeHttpRequests {
                authorize(allowedPaths, permitAll)
				authorize(anyRequest, authenticated)
			formLogin {
                loginPage = "/user-login"
                loginProcessingUrl = "/user-login"
			logout {
                logoutUrl = "/user-logout"
                logoutSuccessUrl = "/?logout"
1 Begin by configuring authentication settings.
2 Define a SecurityFilterChain instance with @Order(1), which means that this filter chain will have the highest priority. This filter chain applies only to requests that begin with /accounts/approvals/, /loans/approvals/ or /credit-cards/approvals/. Requests to this filter chain require the ROLE_ADMIN authority and allow HTTP Basic Authentication.
3 Next, create another SecurityFilterChain instance with @Order(2) which will be considered second. This filter chain applies only to requests that begin with /accounts/, /loans/, /credit-cards/, or /balances/. Notice that because this filter chain is second, any requests that include /approvals/ will match the previous filter chain and will not be matched by this filter chain. Requests to this filter chain require the ROLE_USER authority. This filter chain does not define any authentication because the next (default) filter chain contains that configuration.
4 Lastly, create an additional SecurityFilterChain instance without an @Order annotation. This configuration will handle requests not covered by the other filter chains and will be processed last (no @Order defaults to last). Requests that match /, /user-login, /user-logout, /notices, /contact and /register allow access without authentication. Any other requests require the user to be authenticated to access any URL not explicitly allowed or protected by other filter chains.
Make sure to import the function to enable the Kotlin DSL in your class, as the IDE will not always auto-import the method, causing compilation issues.
1 Configure Authentication as usual.
2 Create an instance of SecurityFilterChain that contains @Order to specify which SecurityFilterChain should be considered first.
3 The http.securityMatcher() states that this HttpSecurity is applicable only to URLs that begin with /api/.
4 Create another instance of SecurityFilterChain. If the URL does not begin with /api/, this configuration is used. This configuration is considered after apiFilterChain, since it has an @Order value after 1 (no @Order defaults to last).

The matching logic for multiple filter chains is performed by the

Specifying a securityMatcher overrides this

If no filter chain matches a particular request, the request is not protected by Spring

1 Requests that begin with /secured/ will be protected but any other requests are not protected.
2 Requests to /secured/user require the ROLE_USER authority.
3 Requests to /secured/admin require the ROLE_ADMIN authority.
4 Any other requests (such as /secured/other) simply require an authenticated user.

It is recommended to provide a SecurityFilterChain that does not specify any securityMatcher to ensure the entire application is protected, as demonstrated in the earlier

See Authorize HttpServletRequests for more information on

1 Requests that begin with /secured/ will be protected by this filter chain.
2 Requests that begin with /secured/ require an authenticated user.
3 Customize form login to prefix URLs with /secured/.
4 Customize logout to prefix URLs with /secured/.
5 All other requests will be denied.

This example customizes the login and logout pages, which disables Spring Security’s generated pages. You must provide your own custom endpoints for GET /secured/login and GET /secured/logout. Note that Spring Security still provides POST /secured/login and POST /secured/logout endpoints for

1 Begin by configuring authentication settings.
2 Define a SecurityFilterChain instance with @Order(1), which means that this filter chain will have the highest priority. This filter chain applies only to requests that begin with /accounts/approvals/, /loans/approvals/ or /credit-cards/approvals/. Requests to this filter chain require the ROLE_ADMIN authority and allow HTTP Basic Authentication.
3 Next, create another SecurityFilterChain instance with @Order(2) which will be considered second. This filter chain applies only to requests that begin with /accounts/, /loans/, /credit-cards/, or /balances/. Notice that because this filter chain is second, any requests that include /approvals/ will match the previous filter chain and will not be matched by this filter chain. Requests to this filter chain require the ROLE_USER authority. This filter chain does not define any authentication because the next (default) filter chain contains that configuration.
4 Lastly, create an additional SecurityFilterChain instance without an @Order annotation. This configuration will handle requests not covered by the other filter chains and will be processed last (no @Order defaults to last). Requests that match /, /user-login, /user-logout, /notices, /contact and /register allow access without authentication. Any other requests require the user to be authenticated to access any URL not explicitly allowed or protected by other filter chains.