Using Spring Cloud Sleuth

1. Span Lifecycle with Spring Cloud Sleuth’s API

Spring Cloud Sleuth Core in its api module contains all necessary interfaces to be implemented by a tracer. The project comes with OpenZipkin Brave implementation. You can check how the tracers are bridged to the Sleuth’s API by looking at the

The most commonly used interfaces

  • - Using a tracer, you can create a root span capturing the critical path of a

  • - Span is a single unit of work that needs to be started and stopped. Contains timing information and events and

You can also use your tracer implementation’s API

Let’s look at the following Span lifecycle

Spring Cloud Sleuth creates an instance of Tracer for you. In order to use it, you can autowire it.

1.1. Creating and Ending Spans

You can manually create spans by using the Tracer, as shown in the following

// Start a span. If there was a span present in this thread it will become
// the `newSpan`'s parent.
Span newSpan = this.tracer.nextSpan().name("calculateTax");
try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = this.tracer.withSpan(newSpan.start())) {
    // ...
    // You can tag a span
    newSpan.tag("taxValue", taxValue);
    // ...
    // You can log an event on a span
finally {
    // Once done remember to end the span. This will allow collecting
    // the span to send it to a distributed tracing system e.g. Zipkin

In the preceding example, we could see how to create a new instance of the span. If there is already a span in this thread, it becomes the parent of the new

Always clean after you create a span.
If your span contains a name greater than 50 chars, that name is truncated to 50 chars. Your names have to be explicit and concrete. Big names lead to latency issues and sometimes even exceptions.

1.2. Continuing Spans

Sometimes, you do not want to create a new span but you want to continue one. An example of such a situation might be as

  • AOP: If there was already a span created before an aspect was reached, you might not want to create a new

To continue a span, you can store the span in one thread and pass it on to another one as shown in the example

Span spanFromThreadX = this.tracer.nextSpan().name("calculateTax");
try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = this.tracer.withSpan(spanFromThreadX.start())) {
    executorService.submit(() -> {
        // Pass the span from thread X
        Span continuedSpan = spanFromThreadX;
        // ...
        // You can tag a span
        continuedSpan.tag("taxValue", taxValue);
        // ...
        // You can log an event on a span
finally {

1.3. Creating a Span with an explicit Parent

You might want to start a new span and provide an explicit parent of that span. Assume that the parent of a span is in one thread and you want to start a new span in another thread. Whenever you call Tracer.nextSpan(), it creates a span in reference to the span that is currently in scope. You can put the span in scope and then call Tracer.nextSpan(), as shown in the following

// let's assume that we're in a thread Y and we've received
// the `initialSpan` from thread X. `initialSpan` will be the parent
// of the `newSpan`
Span newSpan = null;
try (Tracer.SpanInScope ws = this.tracer.withSpan(initialSpan)) {
    newSpan = this.tracer.nextSpan().name("calculateCommission");
    // ...
    // You can tag a span
    newSpan.tag("commissionValue", commissionValue);
    // ...
    // You can log an event on a span
finally {
    // Once done remember to end the span. This will allow collecting
    // the span to send it to e.g. Zipkin. The tags and events set on the
    // newSpan will not be present on the parent
    if (newSpan != null) {
After creating such a span, you must finish it. Otherwise it is not reported (e.g. to Zipkin).

You can also use the Tracer.nextSpan(Span parentSpan) version to provide the parent span

2. Naming Spans

Picking a span name is not a trivial task. A span name should depict an operation name. The name should be low cardinality, so it should not include

Since there is a lot of instrumentation going on, some span names are

  • controller-method-name when received by a Controller with a method name of

  • async for asynchronous operations done with wrapped Callable and Runnable

  • Methods annotated with @Scheduled return the simple name of the

Fortunately, for asynchronous processing, you can provide explicit

2.1. @SpanName Annotation

You can name the span explicitly by using the @SpanName annotation, as shown in the following

class TaxCountingRunnable implements Runnable {

    public void run() {
        // perform logic


In this case, when processed in the following manner, the span is named

Runnable runnable = new TraceRunnable(this.tracer, spanNamer, new TaxCountingRunnable());
Future<?> future = executorService.submit(runnable);
// ... some additional logic ...

2.2. toString() Method

It is pretty rare to create separate classes for Runnable or Callable. Typically, one creates an anonymous instance of those classes. You cannot annotate such classes. To overcome that limitation, if there is no @SpanName annotation present, we check whether the class has a custom implementation of the toString()

Running such code leads to creating a span named calculateTax, as shown in the following

Runnable runnable = new TraceRunnable(this.tracer, spanNamer, new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        // perform logic

    public String toString() {
        return "calculateTax";
Future<?> future = executorService.submit(runnable);
// ... some additional logic ...

3. Managing Spans with Annotations

There are a number of good reasons to manage spans with annotations,

  • API-agnostic means to collaborate with a span. Use of annotations lets users add to a span with no library dependency on a span api. Doing so lets Sleuth change its core API to create less impact to user

  • Reduced surface area for basic span operations. Without this feature, you must use the span api, which has lifecycle commands that could be used incorrectly. By only exposing scope, tag, and log functionality, you can collaborate without accidentally breaking span

  • Collaboration with runtime generated code. With libraries such as Spring Data and Feign, the implementations of interfaces are generated at runtime. Consequently, span wrapping of objects was tedious. Now you can provide annotations over interfaces and the arguments of those

3.1. Creating New Spans

If you do not want to create local spans manually, you can use the @NewSpan annotation. Also, we provide the @SpanTag annotation to add tags in an automated

Now we can consider some examples of

void testMethod();

Annotating the method without any parameter leads to creating a new span whose name equals the annotated method

void testMethod4();

If you provide the value in the annotation (either directly or by setting the name parameter), the created span has the provided value as the

// method declaration
@NewSpan(name = "customNameOnTestMethod5")
void testMethod5(@SpanTag("testTag") String param);

// and method execution

You can combine both the name and a tag. Let’s focus on the latter. In this case, the value of the annotated method’s parameter runtime value becomes the value of the tag. In our sample, the tag key is testTag, and the tag value is

@NewSpan(name = "customNameOnTestMethod3")
public void testMethod3() {

You can place the @NewSpan annotation on both the class and an interface. If you override the interface’s method and provide a different value for the @NewSpan annotation, the most concrete one wins (in this case customNameOnTestMethod3 is set)

3.2. Continuing Spans

If you want to add tags and annotations to an existing span, you can use the @ContinueSpan annotation, as shown in the following

// method declaration
@ContinueSpan(log = "testMethod11")
void testMethod11(@SpanTag("testTag11") String param);

// method execution

(Note that, in contrast with the @NewSpan annotation ,you can also add logs with the log parameter.)

That way, the span gets continued

  • Log entries named testMethod11.before and testMethod11.after are

  • If an exception is thrown, a log entry named testMethod11.afterFailure is also

  • A tag with a key of testTag11 and a value of test is

3.3. Advanced Tag Setting

There are 3 different ways to add tags to a span. All of them are controlled by the SpanTag annotation. The precedence is as

  1. Try with a bean of TagValueResolver type and a provided

  2. If the bean name has not been provided, try to evaluate an expression. We search for a TagValueExpressionResolver bean. The default implementation uses SPEL expression resolution. IMPORTANT You can only reference properties from the SPEL expression. Method execution is not allowed due to security

  3. If we do not find any expression to evaluate, return the toString() value of the

3.3.1. Custom Extractor

The value of the tag for the following method is computed by an implementation of TagValueResolver interface. Its class name has to be passed as the value of the resolver

Consider the following annotated

public void getAnnotationForTagValueResolver(
        @SpanTag(key = "test", resolver = TagValueResolver.class) String test) {

Now further consider the following TagValueResolver bean

@Bean(name = "myCustomTagValueResolver")
public TagValueResolver tagValueResolver() {
    return parameter -> "Value from myCustomTagValueResolver";

The two preceding examples lead to setting a tag value equal to Value from

3.3.2. Resolving Expressions for a Value

Consider the following annotated

public void getAnnotationForTagValueExpression(
        @SpanTag(key = "test", expression = "'hello' + ' characters'") String test) {

No custom implementation of a TagValueExpressionResolver leads to evaluation of the SPEL expression, and a tag with a value of 4 characters is set on the span. If you want to use some other expression resolution mechanism, you can create your own implementation of the

3.3.3. Using The toString() Method

Consider the following annotated

public void getAnnotationForArgumentToString(@SpanTag("test") Long param) {

Running the preceding method with a value of 15 leads to setting a tag with a String value of "15"

4. What to Read Next

You should now understand how you can use Spring Cloud Sleuth and some best practices that you should follow. You can now go on to learn about specific Spring Cloud Sleuth features, or you could skip ahead and read about the integrations available in Spring Cloud