12. Customizations
12.1. Disabling Default Logging Pattern
Spring Cloud Sleuth sets a default logging pattern. To disable it set the spring.sleuth.default-logging-pattern-enabled
property to false
12.2. Customizers
With Brave 5.7 you have various options of providing customizers for your project. Brave ships with
- allows configuration plugins to collaborate on building an instance ofTracing
. -
- allows configuration plugins to collaborate on building an instance ofCurrentTraceContext
. -
- allows configuration plugins to collaborate on building an instance ofExtraFieldPropagation.Factory
Sleuth will search for beans of those types and automatically apply customizations.
12.3. HTTP
12.3.1. Data Policy
The default span data policy for HTTP requests is described in Brave: github.com/openzipkin/brave/tree/master/instrumentation/http#span-data-policy
To add different data to the span, you need to register a bean of type
or brave.http.HttpResponseParser
based on when
the data is collected.
The bean names correspond to the request or response side, and whether it is
a client or server. For example, sleuthHttpClientRequestParser
changes what
is collected before a client request is sent to the server.
For your convenience @HttpClientRequestParser
, @HttpClientResponseParser
and corresponding server annotations can be used to inject the proper beans
or to reference the bean names via their static String NAME
Here’s an example adding the HTTP url in addition to defaults:
class Config {
@Bean(name = { HttpClientRequestParser.NAME, HttpServerRequestParser.NAME })
HttpRequestParser sleuthHttpServerRequestParser() {
return (req, context, span) -> {
HttpRequestParser.DEFAULT.parse(req, context, span);
String url = req.url();
if (url != null) {
span.tag("http.url", url);
12.3.2. Sampling
If client /server sampling is required, just register a bean of type
and name the bean
for client sampler and sleuthHttpServerSampler
for server sampler.
For your convenience the @HttpClientSampler
and @HttpServerSampler
annotations can be used to inject the proper beans or to reference the bean
names via their static String NAME
Check out Brave’s code to see an example of how to make a path-based sampler github.com/openzipkin/brave/tree/master/instrumentation/http#sampling-policy
If you want to completely rewrite the HttpTracing
bean you can use the SkipPatternProvider
interface to retrieve the URL Pattern
for spans that should be not sampled. Below you can see
an example of usage of SkipPatternProvider
inside a server side, Sampler<HttpRequest>
class Config {
@Bean(name = HttpServerSampler.NAME)
SamplerFunction<HttpRequest> myHttpSampler(SkipPatternProvider provider) {
Pattern pattern = provider.skipPattern();
return request -> {
String url = request.path();
boolean shouldSkip = pattern.matcher(url).matches();
if (shouldSkip) {
return false;
return null;
12.4. TracingFilter
You can also modify the behavior of the TracingFilter
, which is the component that is responsible for processing the input HTTP request and adding tags basing on the HTTP response.
You can customize the tags or modify the response headers by registering your own instance of the TracingFilter
In the following example, we register the TracingFilter
bean, add the ZIPKIN-TRACE-ID
response header containing the current Span’s trace id, and add a tag with key custom
and a value tag
to the span.
@Order(TraceWebServletAutoConfiguration.TRACING_FILTER_ORDER + 1)
class MyFilter extends GenericFilterBean {
private final Tracer tracer;
MyFilter(Tracer tracer) {
this.tracer = tracer;
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
Span currentSpan = this.tracer.currentSpan();
if (currentSpan == null) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
// for readability we're returning trace id in a hex form
((HttpServletResponse) response).addHeader("ZIPKIN-TRACE-ID",
// we can also add some custom tags
currentSpan.tag("custom", "tag");
chain.doFilter(request, response);
12.5. Messaging
Sleuth automatically configures the MessagingTracing
bean which serves as a
foundation for Messaging instrumentation such as Kafka or JMS.
If a customization of producer / consumer sampling of messaging traces is required,
just register a bean of type brave.sampler.SamplerFunction<MessagingRequest>
name the bean sleuthProducerSampler
for producer sampler and sleuthConsumerSampler
for consumer sampler.
For your convenience the @ProducerSampler
and @ConsumerSampler
annotations can be used to inject the proper beans or to reference the bean
names via their static String NAME
Ex. Here’s a sampler that traces 100 consumer requests per second, except for
the "alerts" channel. Other requests will use a global rate provided by the
class Config {
12.5.1. Customizing messaging spans
In order to change the default span names and tags, just register a bean of type MessageSpanCustomizer
. You can also
override the existing DefaultMessageSpanCustomizer
to extend the existing behaviour.
class MyMessageSpanCustomizer extends DefaultMessageSpanCustomizer {
public SpanCustomizer customizeHandle(SpanCustomizer spanCustomizer,
Message<?> message, MessageChannel messageChannel) {
return super.customizeHandle(spanCustomizer, message, messageChannel)
.tag("handleKey", "handleValue")
.tag("channelName", channelName(messageChannel));
public SpanCustomizer customizeSend(SpanCustomizer spanCustomizer,
Message<?> message, MessageChannel messageChannel) {
return super.customizeSend(spanCustomizer, message, messageChannel)
.tag("sendKey", "sendValue")
.tag("channelName", channelName(messageChannel));
12.6. RPC
Sleuth automatically configures the RpcTracing
bean which serves as a
foundation for RPC instrumentation such as gRPC or Dubbo.
If a customization of client / server sampling of the RPC traces is required,
just register a bean of type brave.sampler.SamplerFunction<RpcRequest>
name the bean sleuthRpcClientSampler
for client sampler and
for server sampler.
For your convenience the @RpcClientSampler
and @RpcServerSampler
annotations can be used to inject the proper beans or to reference the bean
names via their static String NAME
Ex. Here’s a sampler that traces 100 "GetUserToken" server requests per second. This doesn’t start new traces for requests to the health check service. Other requests will use the global sampling configuration.
class Config {
@Bean(name = RpcServerSampler.NAME)
SamplerFunction<RpcRequest> myRpcSampler() {
Matcher<RpcRequest> userAuth = and(serviceEquals("users.UserService"),
return RpcRuleSampler.newBuilder()
.putRule(serviceEquals("grpc.health.v1.Health"), Sampler.NEVER_SAMPLE)
.putRule(userAuth, RateLimitingSampler.create(100)).build();
12.7. Custom service name
By default, Sleuth assumes that, when you send a span to Zipkin, you want the span’s service name to be equal to the value of the spring.application.name
That is not always the case, though.
There are situations in which you want to explicitly provide a different service name for all spans coming from your application.
To achieve that, you can pass the following property to your application to override that value (the example is for a service named myService
spring.zipkin.service.name: myService
12.8. Customization of Reported Spans
Before reporting spans (for example, to Zipkin) you may want to modify that span in some way.
You can do so by implementing a SpanHandler
In Sleuth, we generate spans with a fixed name.
Some users want to modify the name depending on values of tags.
You can implement the SpanHandler
interface to alter that name.
The following example shows how to register two beans that implement SpanHandler
SpanHandler handlerOne() {
return new SpanHandler() {
public boolean end(TraceContext traceContext, MutableSpan span,
Cause cause) {
return true; // keep this span
SpanHandler handlerTwo() {
return new SpanHandler() {
public boolean end(TraceContext traceContext, MutableSpan span,
Cause cause) {
span.name(span.name() + " bar");
return true; // keep this span
The preceding example results in changing the name of the reported span to foo bar
, just before it gets reported (for example, to Zipkin).
12.9. Host Locator
This section is about defining host from service discovery. It is NOT about finding Zipkin through service discovery. |
To define the host that corresponds to a particular span, we need to resolve the host name and port. The default approach is to take these values from server properties. If those are not set, we try to retrieve the host name from the network interfaces.
If you have the discovery client enabled and prefer to retrieve the host address from the registered instance in a service registry, you have to set the spring.zipkin.locator.discovery.enabled
property (it is applicable for both HTTP-based and Stream-based span reporting), as follows:
spring.zipkin.locator.discovery.enabled: true