13. Fluent Java Routes API

To allow for simple configuration in Java, the RouteLocatorBuilder bean includes a fluent API. The following listing shows how it works:spring-doc.cn

Example 69. GatewaySampleApplication.java
// static imports from GatewayFilters and RoutePredicates
public RouteLocator customRouteLocator(RouteLocatorBuilder builder, ThrottleGatewayFilterFactory throttle) {
    return builder.routes()
            .route(r -> r.host("**.abc.org").and().path("/image/png")
                .filters(f ->
                        f.addResponseHeader("X-TestHeader", "foobar"))
            .route(r -> r.path("/image/webp")
                .filters(f ->
                        f.addResponseHeader("X-AnotherHeader", "baz"))
                .metadata("key", "value")
            .route(r -> r.order(-1)
                .filters(f -> f.filter(throttle.apply(1,
                .metadata("key", "value")

This style also allows for more custom predicate assertions. The predicates defined by RouteDefinitionLocator beans are combined using logical and. By using the fluent Java API, you can use the and(), or(), and negate() operators on the Predicate class.spring-doc.cn