This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Boot 3.3.4!

This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring Boot 3.3.4!

Spring Boot provides a number of utilities and annotations to help when testing your application. Test support is provided by two modules: spring-boot-test contains core items, and spring-boot-test-autoconfigure supports auto-configuration for

Most developers use the spring-boot-starter-test starter, which imports both Spring Boot test modules as well as JUnit Jupiter, AssertJ, Hamcrest, and a number of other useful

If you have tests that use JUnit 4, JUnit 5’s vintage engine can be used to run them. To use the vintage engine, add a dependency on junit-vintage-engine, as shown in the following


If you have tests that use JUnit 4, JUnit 5’s vintage engine can be used to run them. To use the vintage engine, add a dependency on junit-vintage-engine, as shown in the following


hamcrest-core is excluded in favor of org.hamcrest:hamcrest that is part of