AbstractItemStreamItemReader spring-doc.cn
Abstract base class that combines the ItemStream and ItemReader interfaces.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
AbstractItemCountingItemStreamItemReader spring-doc.cn
Abstract base class that provides basic
restart capabilities by counting the number of items returned from
an ItemReader .spring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |
AbstractPagingItemReader spring-doc.cn
Abstract base class that provides basic paging featuresspring-doc.cn |
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AbstractPaginatedDataItemReader spring-doc.cn
Abstract base class that provides basic paging features based on Spring Data’s
paginated facilitiesspring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |
AggregateItemReader spring-doc.cn
An ItemReader that delivers a list as its
item, storing up objects from the injected ItemReader until they
are ready to be packed out as a collection. This class must be used
as a wrapper for a custom ItemReader that can identify the record
boundaries. The custom reader should mark the beginning and end of
records by returning an AggregateItem which responds true to its
query methods (isHeader() and isFooter() ). Note that this reader
is not part of the library of readers provided by Spring Batch
but given as a sample in spring-batch-samples .spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
AmqpItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given a Spring AmqpTemplate , it provides
synchronous receive methods. The receiveAndConvert() method
lets you receive POJO objects.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
KafkaItemReader spring-doc.cn
An ItemReader that reads messages from an Apache Kafka topic.
It can be configured to read messages from multiple partitions of the same topic.
This reader stores message offsets in the execution context to support restart capabilities.spring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |
FlatFileItemReader spring-doc.cn
Reads from a flat file. Includes ItemStream
and Skippable functionality. See “FlatFileItemReader”.spring-doc.cn |
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ItemReaderAdapter spring-doc.cn
Adapts any class to the
ItemReader interface.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
JdbcCursorItemReader spring-doc.cn
Reads from a database cursor over JDBC. See
“Cursor-based ItemReaders”.spring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |
JdbcPagingItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given an SQL statement, pages through the rows,
such that large datasets can be read without running out of
memory.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
JmsItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given a Spring JmsOperations object and a JMS
destination or destination name to which to send errors, provides items
received through the injected JmsOperations#receive()
method.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
JpaCursorItemReader spring-doc.cn
Executes a JPQL query and iterates over the returned result setspring-doc.cn |
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JpaPagingItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given a JPQL query, pages through the
rows, such that large datasets can be read without running out of
memory.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
ListItemReader spring-doc.cn
Provides the items from a list, one at a time.spring-doc.cn |
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MongoItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given a MongoOperations object and a JSON-based MongoDB
query, provides items received from the MongoOperations#find() method.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
Neo4jItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given a Neo4jOperations object and the components of a
Cyhper query, items are returned as the result of the Neo4jOperations.query
method.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
RepositoryItemReader spring-doc.cn
Given a Spring Data PagingAndSortingRepository object,
a Sort , and the name of method to execute, returns items provided by the
Spring Data repository implementation.spring-doc.cn |
Yesspring-doc.cn |
StoredProcedureItemReader spring-doc.cn
Reads from a database cursor resulting from the
execution of a database stored procedure. See StoredProcedureItemReader spring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |
StaxEventItemReader spring-doc.cn
Reads over StAX. see StaxEventItemReader .spring-doc.cn |
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JsonItemReader spring-doc.cn
Reads items from a Json document. see JsonItemReader .spring-doc.cn |
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AvroItemReader spring-doc.cn
Reads items from a resource containing serialized Avro objects.spring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |
LdifReader spring-doc.cn
Reads items from a LDIF resource and returns them as LdapAttributes spring-doc.cn |
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MappingLdifReader spring-doc.cn
Reads items from a LDIF resource and uses a RecordMapper to map them to domain objectsspring-doc.cn |
Nospring-doc.cn |