Appendix C: Change History

This section describes changes that have been made as versions have

C.1. Current Release

C.2. Previous Releases

C.2.1. Changes in 2.4 Since 2.3

This section describes the changes between version 2.3 and version 2.4. See Change History for changes in previous

@RabbitListener Changes

MessageProperties is now available for argument matching. See Annotated Endpoint Method Signature for more

RabbitAdmin Changes

A new property recoverManualDeclarations allows recovery of manually declared queues/exchanges/bindings. See Recovering Auto-Delete Declarations for more

Remoting Support

Support remoting using Spring Framework’s RMI support is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0. See Spring Remoting with AMQP for more

C.2.2. Message Converter Changes

The Jackson2JsonMessageConverter can now determine the charset from the contentEncoding header. See Jackson2JsonMessageConverter for more

C.2.3. Message Converter Changes

The Jackson2JsonMessageConverter can now determine the charset from the contentEncoding header. See Jackson2JsonMessageConverter for more

C.2.4. Stream Support Changes

RabbitStreamOperations and RabbitStreamTemplate have been deprecated in favor of RabbitStreamOperations2 and RabbitStreamTemplate2 respectively; they return CompletableFuture instead of ListenableFuture. See Using the RabbitMQ Stream Plugin for more

C.2.5. Changes in 2.3 Since 2.2

This section describes the changes between version 2.2 and version 2.3. See Change History for changes in previous

Connection Factory Changes

Two additional connection factories are now provided. See Choosing a Connection Factory for more

@RabbitListener Changes

You can now specify a reply content type. See Reply ContentType for more

Message Converter Changes

The Jackson2JMessageConverter s can now deserialize abstract classes (including interfaces) if the ObjectMapper is configured with a custom deserializer. See Deserializing Abstract Classes for more

Testing Changes

A new annotation @SpringRabbitTest is provided to automatically configure some infrastructure beans for when you are not using SpringBootTest. See @SpringRabbitTest for more

RabbitTemplate Changes

The template’s ReturnCallback has been refactored as ReturnsCallback for simpler use in lambda expressions. See Correlated Publisher Confirms and Returns for more

When using returns and correlated confirms, the CorrelationData now requires a unique id property. See Correlated Publisher Confirms and Returns for more

When using direct reply-to, you can now configure the template such that the server does not need to return correlation data with the reply. See RabbitMQ Direct reply-to for more

Listener Container Changes

A new listener container property consumeDelay is now available; it is helpful when using the RabbitMQ Sharding

The default JavaLangErrorHandler now calls System.exit(99). To revert to the previous behavior (do nothing), add a no-op

The containers now support the globalQos property to apply the prefetchCount globally for the channel rather than for each consumer on the

MessagePostProcessor Changes

The compressing MessagePostProcessor s now use a comma to separate multiple content encodings instead of a colon. The decompressors can handle both formats but, if you produce messages with this version that are consumed by versions earlier than 2.2.12, you should configure the compressor to use the old delimiter. See the IMPORTANT note in Modifying Messages - Compression and More for more

Multiple Broker Support Improvements
RepublishMessageRecoverer Changes

A new subclass of this recoverer is not provided that supports publisher confirms. See Message Listeners and the Asynchronous Case for more

C.2.6. Changes in 2.2 Since 2.1

This section describes the changes between version 2.1 and version

Package Changes

The following classes/interfaces have been moved from to

In addition, ListenerExecutionFailedException has been moved from org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.listener.exception to

Dependency Changes

JUnit (4) is now an optional dependency and will no longer appear as a transitive

The spring-rabbit-junit module is now a compile dependency in the spring-rabbit-test module for a better target application development experience when with only a single spring-rabbit-test we get the full stack of testing utilities for AMQP

"Breaking" API Changes

the JUnit (5) RabbitAvailableCondition.getBrokerRunning() now returns a BrokerRunningSupport instance instead of a BrokerRunning, which depends on JUnit 4. It has the same API so it’s just a matter of changing the class name of any references. See JUnit5 Conditions for more

ListenerContainer Changes

Messages with fatal exceptions are now rejected and NOT requeued, by default, even if the acknowledge mode is manual. See Exception Handling for more

Listener performance can now be monitored using Micrometer Timer s. See Monitoring Listener Performance for more

@RabbitListener Changes

You can now configure an executor on each listener, overriding the factory configuration, to more easily identify threads associated with the listener. You can now override the container factory’s acknowledgeMode property with the annotation’s ackMode property. See overriding container factory properties for more

When using batching, @RabbitListener methods can now receive a complete batch of messages in one call instead of getting them

When receiving batched messages one-at-a-time, the last message has the isLastInBatch message property set to

In addition, received batched messages now contain the amqp_batchSize

Listeners can also consume batches created in the SimpleMessageListenerContainer, even if the batch is not created by the producer. See Choosing a Container for more

Spring Data Projection interfaces are now supported by the Jackson2JsonMessageConverter. See Using Spring Data Projection Interfaces for more

The Jackson2JsonMessageConverter now assumes the content is JSON if there is no contentType property, or it is the default (application/octet-string). See Converting from a Message for more

Similarly. the Jackson2XmlMessageConverter now assumes the content is XML if there is no contentType property, or it is the default (application/octet-string). See Jackson2XmlMessageConverter for more

When a @RabbitListener method returns a result, the bean and Method are now available in the reply message properties. This allows configuration of a beforeSendReplyMessagePostProcessor to, for example, set a header in the reply to indicate which method was invoked on the server. See Reply Management for more

You can now configure a ReplyPostProcessor to make modifications to a reply message before it is sent. See Reply Management for more

AMQP Logging Appenders Changes

The Log4J and Logback AmqpAppender s now support a verifyHostname SSL

Also these appenders now can be configured to not add MDC entries as headers. The addMdcAsHeaders boolean option has been introduces to configure such a

The appenders now support the SaslConfig

MessageListenerAdapter Changes

The MessageListenerAdapter provides now a new buildListenerArguments(Object, Channel, Message) method to build an array of arguments to be passed into target listener and an old one is deprecated. See MessageListenerAdapter for more

Exchange/Queue Declaration Changes

The ExchangeBuilder and QueueBuilder fluent APIs used to create Exchange and Queue objects for declaration by RabbitAdmin now support "well known" arguments. See Builder API for Queues and Exchanges for more

The RabbitAdmin has a new property explicitDeclarationsOnly. See Conditional Declaration for more

Connection Factory Changes

The CachingConnectionFactory has a new property shuffleAddresses. When providing a list of broker node addresses, the list will be shuffled before creating a connection so that the order in which the connections are attempted is random. See Connecting to a Cluster for more

When using Publisher confirms and returns, the callbacks are now invoked on the connection factory’s executor. This avoids a possible deadlock in the amqp-clients library if you perform rabbit operations from within the callback. See Correlated Publisher Confirms and Returns for more

Also, the publisher confirm type is now specified with the ConfirmType enum instead of the two mutually exclusive setter

The RabbitConnectionFactoryBean now uses TLS 1.2 by default when SSL is enabled. See RabbitConnectionFactoryBean and Configuring SSL for more

New MessagePostProcessor Classes

Classes DeflaterPostProcessor and InflaterPostProcessor were added to support compression and decompression, respectively, when the message content-encoding is set to

Other Changes

The Declarables object (for declaring multiple queues, exchanges, bindings) now has a filtered getter for each type. See Declaring Collections of Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings for more

You can now customize each Declarable bean before the RabbitAdmin processes the declaration thereof. See Automatic Declaration of Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings for more

singleActiveConsumer() has been added to the QueueBuilder to set the x-single-active-consumer queue argument. See Builder API for Queues and Exchanges for more

Outbound headers with values of type Class<?> are now mapped using getName() instead of toString(). See Message Properties Converters for more

Recovery of failed producer-created batches is now supported. See Retry with Batch Listeners for more

C.2.7. Changes in 2.1 Since 2.0

AMQP Client library

Spring AMQP now uses the 5.4.x version of the amqp-client library provided by the RabbitMQ team. This client has auto-recovery configured by default. See RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology

As of version 4.0, the client enables automatic recovery by default. While compatible with this feature, Spring AMQP has its own recovery mechanisms and the client recovery feature generally is not needed. We recommend disabling amqp-client automatic recovery, to avoid getting AutoRecoverConnectionNotCurrentlyOpenException instances when the broker is available but the connection has not yet recovered. Starting with version 1.7.1, Spring AMQP disables it unless you explicitly create your own RabbitMQ connection factory and provide it to the CachingConnectionFactory. RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory instances created by the RabbitConnectionFactoryBean also have the option disabled by default.
Package Changes

Certain classes have moved to different packages. Most are internal classes and do not affect user applications. Two exceptions are ChannelAwareMessageListener and RabbitListenerErrorHandler. These interfaces are now in

Publisher Confirms Changes

Channels enabled for publisher confirmations are not returned to the cache while there are outstanding confirmations. See Correlated Publisher Confirms and Returns for more

Listener Container Factory Improvements

You can now use the listener container factories to create any listener container, not only those for use with @RabbitListener annotations or the @RabbitListenerEndpointRegistry. See Using Container Factories for more

ChannelAwareMessageListener now inherits from

Broker Event Listener

A BrokerEventListener is introduced to publish selected broker events as ApplicationEvent instances. See Broker Event Listener for more

RabbitAdmin Changes

The RabbitAdmin discovers beans of type Declarables (which is a container for Declarable - Queue, Exchange, and Binding objects) and declare the contained objects on the broker. Users are discouraged from using the old mechanism of declaring <Collection<Queue>> (and others) and should use Declarables beans instead. By default, the old mechanism is disabled. See Declaring Collections of Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings for more

AnonymousQueue instances are now declared with x-queue-master-locator set to client-local by default, to ensure the queues are created on the node the application is connected to. See Configuring the Broker for more

RabbitTemplate Changes

You can now configure the RabbitTemplate with the noLocalReplyConsumer option to control a noLocal flag for reply consumers in the sendAndReceive() operations. See Request/Reply Messaging for more

CorrelationData for publisher confirmations now has a ListenableFuture, which you can use to get the acknowledgment instead of using a callback. When returns and confirmations are enabled, the correlation data, if provided, is populated with the returned message. See Correlated Publisher Confirms and Returns for more

A method called replyTimedOut is now provided to notify subclasses that a reply has timed out, allowing for any state cleanup. See Reply Timeout for more

You can now specify an ErrorHandler to be invoked when using request/reply with a DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer (the default) when exceptions occur when replies are delivered (for example, late replies). See setReplyErrorHandler on the RabbitTemplate. (Also since 2.0.11)

Message Conversion

We introduced a new Jackson2XmlMessageConverter to support converting messages from and to XML format. See Jackson2XmlMessageConverter for more

Management REST API

The RabbitManagementTemplate is now deprecated in favor of the direct com.rabbitmq.http.client.Client (or com.rabbitmq.http.client.ReactorNettyClient) usage. See RabbitMQ REST API for more

@RabbitListener Changes

The listener container factory can now be configured with a RetryTemplate and, optionally, a RecoveryCallback used when sending replies. See Enable Listener Endpoint Annotations for more

Async @RabbitListener Return

@RabbitListener methods can now return ListenableFuture<?> or Mono<?>. See Asynchronous @RabbitListener Return Types for more

Connection Factory Bean Changes

By default, the RabbitConnectionFactoryBean now calls enableHostnameVerification(). To revert to the previous behavior, set the enableHostnameVerification property to

Connection Factory Changes

The CachingConnectionFactory now unconditionally disables auto-recovery in the underlying RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory, even if a pre-configured instance is provided in a constructor. While steps have been taken to make Spring AMQP compatible with auto recovery, certain corner cases have arisen where issues remain. Spring AMQP has had its own recovery mechanism since 1.0.0 and does not need to use the recovery provided by the client. While it is still possible to enable the feature (using cachingConnectionFactory.getRabbitConnectionFactory() .setAutomaticRecoveryEnabled()) after the CachingConnectionFactory is constructed, we strongly recommend that you not do so. We recommend that you use a separate RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory if you need auto recovery connections when using the client factory directly (rather than using Spring AMQP components)

Listener Container Changes

The default ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler now completely discards messages that cause fatal errors if an x-death header is present. See Exception Handling for more

Immediate requeue

A new ImmediateRequeueAmqpException is introduced to notify a listener container that the message has to be re-queued. To use this feature, a new ImmediateRequeueMessageRecoverer implementation is

C.2.8. Changes in 2.0 Since 1.7

Using CachingConnectionFactory

Starting with version 2.0.2, you can configure the RabbitTemplate to use a different connection to that used by listener containers. This change avoids deadlocked consumers when producers are blocked for any reason. See Using a Separate Connection for more

AMQP Client library

Spring AMQP now uses the new 5.0.x version of the amqp-client library provided by the RabbitMQ team. This client has auto recovery configured by default. See RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology

As of version 4.0, the client enables automatic recovery by default. While compatible with this feature, Spring AMQP has its own recovery mechanisms, and the client recovery feature generally is not needed. We recommend that you disable amqp-client automatic recovery, to avoid getting AutoRecoverConnectionNotCurrentlyOpenException instances when the broker is available but the connection has not yet recovered. Starting with version 1.7.1, Spring AMQP disables it unless you explicitly create your own RabbitMQ connection factory and provide it to the CachingConnectionFactory. RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory instances created by the RabbitConnectionFactoryBean also have the option disabled by default.
General Changes

The ExchangeBuilder now builds durable exchanges by default. The @Exchange annotation used within a @QeueueBinding also declares durable exchanges by default. The @Queue annotation used within a @RabbitListener by default declares durable queues if named and non-durable if anonymous. See Builder API for Queues and Exchanges and Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more

Deleted Classes

UniquelyNameQueue is no longer provided. It is unusual to create a durable non-auto-delete queue with a unique name. This class has been deleted. If you require its functionality, use new Queue(UUID.randomUUID().toString())

New Listener Container

The DirectMessageListenerContainer has been added alongside the existing SimpleMessageListenerContainer. See Choosing a Container and Message Listener Container Configuration for information about choosing which container to use as well as how to configure

Log4j Appender

This appender is no longer available due to the end-of-life of log4j. See Logging Subsystem AMQP Appenders for information about the available log

RabbitTemplate Changes
Previously, a non-transactional RabbitTemplate participated in an existing transaction if it ran on a transactional listener container thread. This was a serious bug. However, users might have relied on this behavior. Starting with version 1.6.2, you must set the channelTransacted boolean on the template for it to participate in the container transaction.

The RabbitTemplate now uses a DirectReplyToMessageListenerContainer (by default) instead of creating a new consumer for each request. See RabbitMQ Direct reply-to for more

The AsyncRabbitTemplate now supports direct reply-to. See Async Rabbit Template for more

The RabbitTemplate and AsyncRabbitTemplate now have receiveAndConvert and convertSendAndReceiveAsType methods that take a ParameterizedTypeReference<T> argument, letting the caller specify the type to which to convert the result. This is particularly useful for complex types or when type information is not conveyed in message headers. It requires a SmartMessageConverter such as the Jackson2JsonMessageConverter. See Receiving Messages, Request/Reply Messaging, Async Rabbit Template, and Converting From a Message With RabbitTemplate for more

You can now use a RabbitTemplate to perform multiple operations on a dedicated channel. See Scoped Operations for more

Listener Adapter

A convenient FunctionalInterface is available for using lambdas with the MessageListenerAdapter. See MessageListenerAdapter for more

Listener Container Changes
Prefetch Default Value

The prefetch default value used to be 1, which could lead to under-utilization of efficient consumers. The default prefetch value is now 250, which should keep consumers busy in most common scenarios and, thus, improve

There are scenarios where the prefetch value should be low — for example, with large messages, especially if the processing is slow (messages could add up to a large amount of memory in the client process), and if strict message ordering is necessary (the prefetch value should be set back to 1 in this case). Also, with low-volume messaging and multiple consumers (including concurrency within a single listener container instance), you may wish to reduce the prefetch to get a more even distribution of messages across consumers.

For more background about prefetch, see this post about consumer utilization in RabbitMQ and this post about queuing

Message Count

Previously, MessageProperties.getMessageCount() returned 0 for messages emitted by the container. This property applies only when you use basicGet (for example, from RabbitTemplate.receive() methods) and is now initialized to null for container

Transaction Rollback Behavior

Message re-queue on transaction rollback is now consistent, regardless of whether or not a transaction manager is configured. See A note on Rollback of Received Messages for more

Shutdown Behavior

If the container threads do not respond to a shutdown within shutdownTimeout, the channels are forced closed by default. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more

After Receive Message Post Processors

If a MessagePostProcessor in the afterReceiveMessagePostProcessors property returns null, the message is discarded (and acknowledged if appropriate)

Connection Factory Changes

The connection and channel listener interfaces now provide a mechanism to obtain information about exceptions. See Connection and Channel Listeners and Publishing is Asynchronous — How to Detect Successes and Failures for more

A new ConnectionNameStrategy is now provided to populate the application-specific identification of the target RabbitMQ connection from the AbstractConnectionFactory. See Connection and Resource Management for more

Retry Changes

The MissingMessageIdAdvice is no longer provided. Its functionality is now built-in. See Failures in Synchronous Operations and Options for Retry for more

Anonymous Queue Naming

By default, AnonymousQueues are now named with the default Base64UrlNamingStrategy instead of a simple UUID string. See AnonymousQueue for more

@RabbitListener Changes

You can now provide simple queue declarations (bound only to the default exchange) in @RabbitListener annotations. See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more

You can now configure @RabbitListener annotations so that any exceptions are returned to the sender. You can also configure a RabbitListenerErrorHandler to handle exceptions. See Handling Exceptions for more

You can now bind a queue with multiple routing keys when you use the @QueueBinding annotation. Also now supports custom exchange types and declares durable exchanges by

You can now set the concurrency of the listener container at the annotation level rather than having to configure a different container factory for different concurrency

You can now set the autoStartup property of the listener container at the annotation level, overriding the default setting in the container

You can now set after receive and before send (reply) MessagePostProcessor instances in the RabbitListener container

Starting with version 2.0.3, one of the @RabbitHandler annotations on a class-level @RabbitListener can be designated as the default. See Multi-method Listeners for more

Container Conditional Rollback

When using an external transaction manager (such as JDBC), rule-based rollback is now supported when you provide the container with a transaction attribute. It is also now more flexible when you use a transaction advice. See Conditional Rollback for more

Remove Jackson 1.x support

Deprecated in previous versions, Jackson 1.x converters and related components have now been deleted. You can use similar components based on Jackson 2.x. See Jackson2JsonMessageConverter for more

JSON Message Converter

When the TypeId is set to Hashtable for an inbound JSON message, the default conversion type is now LinkedHashMap. Previously, it was Hashtable. To revert to a Hashtable, you can use setDefaultMapType on the

XML Parsers

When parsing Queue and Exchange XML components, the parsers no longer register the name attribute value as a bean alias if an id attribute is present. See A Note On the id and name Attributes for more

Blocked Connection

You can now inject the com.rabbitmq.client.BlockedListener into the org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.connection.Connection object. Also, the ConnectionBlockedEvent and ConnectionUnblockedEvent events are emitted by the ConnectionFactory when the connection is blocked or unblocked by the

C.2.9. Changes in 1.7 Since 1.6

AMQP Client library

Spring AMQP now uses the new 4.0.x version of the amqp-client library provided by the RabbitMQ team. This client has auto-recovery configured by default. See RabbitMQ Automatic Connection/Topology

The 4.0.x client enables automatic recovery by default. While compatible with this feature, Spring AMQP has its own recovery mechanisms, and the client recovery feature generally is not needed. We recommend disabling amqp-client automatic recovery, to avoid getting AutoRecoverConnectionNotCurrentlyOpenException instances when the broker is available but the connection has not yet recovered. Starting with version 1.7.1, Spring AMQP disables it unless you explicitly create your own RabbitMQ connection factory and provide it to the CachingConnectionFactory. RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory instances created by the RabbitConnectionFactoryBean also have the option disabled by default.
Log4j 2 upgrade

The minimum Log4j 2 version (for the AmqpAppender) is now 2.7. The framework is no longer compatible with previous versions. See Logging Subsystem AMQP Appenders for more

Logback Appender

This appender no longer captures caller data (method, line number) by default. You can re-enable it by setting the includeCallerData configuration option. See Logging Subsystem AMQP Appenders for information about the available log

Spring Retry Upgrade

The minimum Spring Retry version is now 1.2. The framework is no longer compatible with previous

Shutdown Behavior

You can now set forceCloseChannel to true so that, if the container threads do not respond to a shutdown within shutdownTimeout, the channels are forced closed, causing any unacked messages to be re-queued. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more

FasterXML Jackson upgrade

The minimum Jackson version is now 2.8. The framework is no longer compatible with previous

JUnit @Rules

Rules that have previously been used internally by the framework have now been made available in a separate jar called spring-rabbit-junit. See JUnit4 @Rules for more

Container Conditional Rollback

When you use an external transaction manager (such as JDBC), rule-based rollback is now supported when you provide the container with a transaction attribute. It is also now more flexible when you use a transaction

Connection Naming Strategy

A new ConnectionNameStrategy is now provided to populate the application-specific identification of the target RabbitMQ connection from the AbstractConnectionFactory. See Connection and Resource Management for more

Listener Container Changes
Transaction Rollback Behavior

You can now configure message re-queue on transaction rollback to be consistent, regardless of whether or not a transaction manager is configured. See A note on Rollback of Received Messages for more

C.2.10. Earlier Releases

See Previous Releases for changes in previous

C.2.11. Changes in 1.6 Since 1.5

Testing Support

A new testing support library is now provided. See Testing Support for more


Builders that provide a fluent API for configuring Queue and Exchange objects are now available. See Builder API for Queues and Exchanges for more

Namespace Changes
Connection Factory

You can now add a thread-factory to a connection factory bean declaration — for example, to name the threads created by the amqp-client library. See Connection and Resource Management for more

When you use CacheMode.CONNECTION, you can now limit the total number of connections allowed. See Connection and Resource Management for more

Queue Definitions

You can now provide a naming strategy for anonymous queues. See AnonymousQueue for more

Listener Container Changes
Idle Message Listener Detection

You can now configure listener containers to publish ApplicationEvent instances when idle. See Detecting Idle Asynchronous Consumers for more

Mismatched Queue Detection

By default, when a listener container starts, if queues with mismatched properties or arguments are detected, the container logs the exception but continues to listen. The container now has a property called mismatchedQueuesFatal, which prevents the container (and context) from starting if the problem is detected during startup. It also stops the container if the problem is detected later, such as after recovering from a connection failure. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more

Listener Container Logging

Now, listener container provides its beanName to the internal SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor as a threadNamePrefix. It is useful for logs

Default Error Handler

The default error handler (ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler) now considers irrecoverable @RabbitListener exceptions as fatal. See Exception Handling for more

AutoDeclare and RabbitAdmin Instances

See Message Listener Container Configuration (autoDeclare) for some changes to the semantics of that option with respect to the use of RabbitAdmin instances in the application

AmqpTemplate: Receive with Timeout

A number of new receive() methods with timeout have been introduced for the AmqpTemplate and its RabbitTemplate implementation. See Polling Consumer for more

Using AsyncRabbitTemplate

A new AsyncRabbitTemplate has been introduced. This template provides a number of send and receive methods, where the return value is a ListenableFuture, which can be used later to obtain the result either synchronously or asynchronously. See Async Rabbit Template for more

RabbitTemplate Changes

1.4.1 introduced the ability to use direct reply-to when the broker supports it. It is more efficient than using a temporary queue for each reply. This version lets you override this default behavior and use a temporary queue by setting the useTemporaryReplyQueues property to true. See RabbitMQ Direct reply-to for more

The RabbitTemplate now supports a user-id-expression (userIdExpression when using Java configuration). See Validated User-ID RabbitMQ documentation and Validated User Id for more

Message Properties
Using CorrelationId

The correlationId message property can now be a String. See Message Properties Converters for more

Long String Headers

Previously, the DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter “converted” headers longer than the long string limit (default 1024) to a DataInputStream (actually, it referenced the LongString instance’s DataInputStream). On output, this header was not converted (except to a String — for example, by calling toString() on the stream)

With this release, long LongString instances are now left as LongString instances by default. You can access the contents by using the getBytes[], toString(), or getStream() methods. A large incoming LongString is now correctly “converted” on output

See Message Properties Converters for more

Inbound Delivery Mode

The deliveryMode property is no longer mapped to the MessageProperties.deliveryMode. This change avoids unintended propagation if the the same MessageProperties object is used to send an outbound message. Instead, the inbound deliveryMode header is mapped to

See Message Properties Converters for more

When using annotated endpoints, the header is provided in the header named

Inbound User ID

The user_id property is no longer mapped to the MessageProperties.userId. This change avoids unintended propagation if the the same MessageProperties object is used to send an outbound message. Instead, the inbound userId header is mapped to

See Message Properties Converters for more

When you use annotated endpoints, the header is provided in the header named

RabbitAdmin Changes
Declaration Failures

Previously, the ignoreDeclarationFailures flag took effect only for IOException on the channel (such as mis-matched arguments). It now takes effect for any exception (such as TimeoutException). In addition, a DeclarationExceptionEvent is now published whenever a declaration fails. The RabbitAdmin last declaration event is also available as a property lastDeclarationExceptionEvent. See Configuring the Broker for more

@RabbitListener Changes
Multiple Containers for Each Bean

When you use Java 8 or later, you can now add multiple @RabbitListener annotations to @Bean classes or their methods. When using Java 7 or earlier, you can use the @RabbitListeners container annotation to provide the same functionality. See @Repeatable @RabbitListener for more

@SendTo SpEL Expressions

@SendTo for routing replies with no replyTo property can now be SpEL expressions evaluated against the request/reply. See Reply Management for more

@QueueBinding Improvements

You can now specify arguments for queues, exchanges, and bindings in @QueueBinding annotations. Header exchanges are now supported by @QueueBinding. See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more

Delayed Message Exchange

Spring AMQP now has first class support for the RabbitMQ Delayed Message Exchange plugin. See Delayed Message Exchange for more

Exchange Internal Flag

Any Exchange definitions can now be marked as internal, and RabbitAdmin passes the value to the broker when declaring the exchange. See Configuring the Broker for more

CachingConnectionFactory Changes
CachingConnectionFactory Cache Statistics

The CachingConnectionFactory now provides cache properties at runtime and over JMX. See Runtime Cache Properties for more

Accessing the Underlying RabbitMQ Connection Factory

A new getter has been added to provide access to the underlying factory. You can use this getter, for example, to add custom connection properties. See Adding Custom Client Connection Properties for more

Channel Cache

The default channel cache size has been increased from 1 to 25. See Connection and Resource Management for more

In addition, the SimpleMessageListenerContainer no longer adjusts the cache size to be at least as large as the number of concurrentConsumers — this was superfluous, since the container consumer channels are never

Using RabbitConnectionFactoryBean

The factory bean now exposes a property to add client connection properties to connections made by the resulting

Java Deserialization

You can now configure a “allowed list” of allowable classes when you use Java deserialization. You should consider creating an allowed list if you accept messages with serialized java objects from untrusted sources. See Java Deserialization for more

JSON MessageConverter

Improvements to the JSON message converter now allow the consumption of messages that do not have type information in message headers. See Message Conversion for Annotated Methods and Jackson2JsonMessageConverter for more

Logging Appenders
Log4j 2

A log4j 2 appender has been added, and the appenders can now be configured with an addresses property to connect to a broker

Client Connection Properties

You can now add custom client connection properties to RabbitMQ

C.2.12. Changes in 1.5 Since 1.4

spring-erlang Is No Longer Supported

The spring-erlang jar is no longer included in the distribution. Use the RabbitMQ REST API

CachingConnectionFactory Changes
Empty Addresses Property in CachingConnectionFactory

Previously, if the connection factory was configured with a host and port but an empty String was also supplied for addresses, the host and port were ignored. Now, an empty addresses String is treated the same as a null, and the host and port are

URI Constructor

The CachingConnectionFactory has an additional constructor, with a URI parameter, to configure the broker

Connection Reset

A new method called resetConnection() has been added to let users reset the connection (or connections). You might use this, for example, to reconnect to the primary broker after failing over to the secondary broker. This does impact in-process operations. The existing destroy() method does exactly the same, but the new method has a less daunting

Properties to Control Container Queue Declaration Behavior

When the listener container consumers start, they attempt to passively declare the queues to ensure they are available on the broker. Previously, if these declarations failed (for example, because the queues didn’t exist) or when an HA queue was being moved, the retry logic was fixed at three retry attempts at five-second intervals. If the queues still do not exist, the behavior is controlled by the missingQueuesFatal property (default: true). Also, for containers configured to listen from multiple queues, if only a subset of queues are available, the consumer retried the missing queues on a fixed interval of 60

The declarationRetries, failedDeclarationRetryInterval, and retryDeclarationInterval properties are now configurable. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more

Class Package Change

The RabbitGatewaySupport class has been moved from to

DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter Changes

You can now configure the DefaultMessagePropertiesConverter to determine the maximum length of a LongString that is converted to a String rather than to a DataInputStream. The converter has an alternative constructor that takes the value as a limit. Previously, this limit was hard-coded at 1024 bytes. (Also available in 1.4.4)

@RabbitListener Improvements
@QueueBinding for @RabbitListener

The bindings attribute has been added to the @RabbitListener annotation as mutually exclusive with the queues attribute to allow the specification of the queue, its exchange, and binding for declaration by a RabbitAdmin on the

SpEL in @SendTo

The default reply address (@SendTo) for a @RabbitListener can now be a SpEL

Multiple Queue Names through Properties

You can now use a combination of SpEL and property placeholders to specify multiple queues for a

Automatic Exchange, Queue, and Binding Declaration

You can now declare beans that define a collection of these entities, and the RabbitAdmin adds the contents to the list of entities that it declares when a connection is established. See Declaring Collections of Exchanges, Queues, and Bindings for more

RabbitTemplate Changes
reply-address Added

The reply-address attribute has been added to the <rabbit-template> component as an alternative reply-queue. See Request/Reply Messaging for more information. (Also available in 1.4.4 as a setter on the RabbitTemplate)

Blocking receive Methods

The RabbitTemplate now supports blocking in receive and convertAndReceive methods. See Polling Consumer for more

Mandatory with sendAndReceive Methods

When the mandatory flag is set when using the sendAndReceive and convertSendAndReceive methods, the calling thread throws an AmqpMessageReturnedException if the request message cannot be delivered. See Reply Timeout for more

Improper Reply Listener Configuration

The framework tries to verify proper configuration of a reply listener container when using a named reply

See Reply Listener Container for more

RabbitManagementTemplate Added

The RabbitManagementTemplate has been introduced to monitor and configure the RabbitMQ Broker by using the REST API provided by its management plugin. See RabbitMQ REST API for more

Listener Container Bean Names (XML)

The id attribute on the <listener-container/> element has been removed. Starting with this release, the id on the <listener/> child element is used alone to name the listener container bean created for each listener

Normal Spring bean name overrides are applied. If a later <listener/> is parsed with the same id as an existing bean, the new definition overrides the existing one. Previously, bean names were composed from the id attributes of the <listener-container/> and <listener/>

When migrating to this release, if you have id attributes on your <listener-container/> elements, remove them and set the id on the child <listener/> element

However, to support starting and stopping containers as a group, a new group attribute has been added. When this attribute is defined, the containers created by this element are added to a bean with this name, of type Collection<SimpleMessageListenerContainer>. You can iterate over this group to start and stop

Class-Level @RabbitListener

The @RabbitListener annotation can now be applied at the class level. Together with the new @RabbitHandler method annotation, this lets you select the handler method based on payload type. See Multi-method Listeners for more

SimpleMessageListenerContainer: BackOff Support

The SimpleMessageListenerContainer can now be supplied with a BackOff instance for consumer startup recovery. See Message Listener Container Configuration for more

Channel Close Logging

A mechanism to control the log levels of channel closure has been introduced. See Logging Channel Close

Application Events

The SimpleMessageListenerContainer now emits application events when consumers fail. See Consumer Events for more

Consumer Tag Configuration

Previously, the consumer tags for asynchronous consumers were generated by the broker. With this release, it is now possible to supply a naming strategy to the listener container. See Consumer

Using MessageListenerAdapter

The MessageListenerAdapter now supports a map of queue names (or consumer tags) to method names, to determine which delegate method to call based on the queue from which the message was

LocalizedQueueConnectionFactory Added

LocalizedQueueConnectionFactory is a new connection factory that connects to the node in a cluster where a mirrored queue actually

Anonymous Queue Naming

Starting with version 1.5.3, you can now control how AnonymousQueue names are generated. See AnonymousQueue for more

C.2.13. Changes in 1.4 Since 1.3

@RabbitListener Annotation

POJO listeners can be annotated with @RabbitListener, enabled by @EnableRabbit or <rabbit:annotation-driven />. Spring Framework 4.1 is required for this feature. See Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints for more

RabbitMessagingTemplate Added

A new RabbitMessagingTemplate lets you interact with RabbitMQ by using spring-messaging Message instances. Internally, it uses the RabbitTemplate, which you can configure as normal. Spring Framework 4.1 is required for this feature. See Messaging Integration for more

Listener Container missingQueuesFatal Attribute

1.3.5 introduced the missingQueuesFatal property on the SimpleMessageListenerContainer. This is now available on the listener container namespace element. See Message Listener Container

RabbitTemplate ConfirmCallback Interface

The confirm method on this interface has an additional parameter called cause. When available, this parameter contains the reason for a negative acknowledgement (nack). See Correlated Publisher Confirms and

RabbitConnectionFactoryBean Added

RabbitConnectionFactoryBean creates the underlying RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory used by the CachingConnectionFactory. This enables configuration of SSL options using Spring’s dependency injection. See Configuring the Underlying Client Connection

Using CachingConnectionFactory

The CachingConnectionFactory now lets the connectionTimeout be set as a property or as an attribute in the namespace. It sets the property on the underlying RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory. See Configuring the Underlying Client Connection

Log Appender

The Logback org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.logback.AmqpAppender has been introduced. It provides options similar to org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.log4j.AmqpAppender. For more information, see the JavaDoc of these

The Log4j AmqpAppender now supports the deliveryMode property (PERSISTENT or NON_PERSISTENT, default: PERSISTENT). Previously, all log4j messages were

The appender also supports modification of the Message before sending — allowing, for example, the addition of custom headers. Subclasses should override the postProcessMessageBeforeSend()

Listener Queues

The listener container now, by default, redeclares any missing queues during startup. A new auto-declare attribute has been added to the <rabbit:listener-container> to prevent these re-declarations. See auto-delete

RabbitTemplate: mandatory and connectionFactorySelector Expressions

The mandatoryExpression, sendConnectionFactorySelectorExpression, and receiveConnectionFactorySelectorExpression SpEL Expression`s properties have been added to RabbitTemplate. The mandatoryExpression is used to evaluate a mandatory boolean value against each request message when a ReturnCallback is in use. See Correlated Publisher Confirms and Returns. The sendConnectionFactorySelectorExpression and receiveConnectionFactorySelectorExpression are used when an AbstractRoutingConnectionFactory is provided, to determine the lookupKey for the target ConnectionFactory at runtime on each AMQP protocol interaction operation. See Routing Connection

Listeners and the Routing Connection Factory

You can configure a SimpleMessageListenerContainer with a routing connection factory to enable connection selection based on the queue names. See Routing Connection

RabbitTemplate: RecoveryCallback Option

The recoveryCallback property has been added for use in the retryTemplate.execute(). See Adding Retry

MessageConversionException Change

This exception is now a subclass of AmqpException. Consider the following

try {
    template.convertAndSend("thing1", "thing2", "cat");
catch (AmqpException e) {
catch (MessageConversionException e) {

The second catch block is no longer reachable and needs to be moved above the catch-all AmqpException catch

RabbitMQ 3.4 Compatibility

Spring AMQP is now compatible with the RabbitMQ 3.4, including direct reply-to. See Compatibility and RabbitMQ Direct reply-to for more

ContentTypeDelegatingMessageConverter Added

The ContentTypeDelegatingMessageConverter has been introduced to select the MessageConverter to use, based on the contentType property in the MessageProperties. See Message Converters for more

C.2.14. Changes in 1.3 Since 1.2

Listener Concurrency

The listener container now supports dynamic scaling of the number of consumers based on workload, or you can programmatically change the concurrency without stopping the container. See Listener

Listener Queues

The listener container now permits the queues on which it listens to be modified at runtime. Also, the container now starts if at least one of its configured queues is available for use. See Listener Container

This listener container now redeclares any auto-delete queues during startup. See auto-delete

Consumer Priority

The listener container now supports consumer arguments, letting the x-priority argument be set. See Consumer

Exclusive Consumer

You can now configure SimpleMessageListenerContainer with a single exclusive consumer, preventing other consumers from listening to the queue. See Exclusive

Rabbit Admin

You can now have the broker generate the queue name, regardless of durable, autoDelete, and exclusive settings. See Configuring the

Direct Exchange Binding

Previously, omitting the key attribute from a binding element of a direct-exchange configuration caused the queue or exchange to be bound with an empty string as the routing key. Now it is bound with the the name of the provided Queue or Exchange. If you wish to bind with an empty string routing key, you need to specify key=""

AmqpTemplate Changes

The AmqpTemplate now provides several synchronous receiveAndReply methods. These are implemented by the RabbitTemplate. For more information see Receiving

The RabbitTemplate now supports configuring a RetryTemplate to attempt retries (with optional back-off policy) for when the broker is not available. For more information see Adding Retry

Caching Connection Factory

You can now configure the caching connection factory to cache Connection instances and their Channel instances instead of using a single connection and caching only Channel instances. See Connection and Resource

Binding Arguments

The <binding> of the <exchange> now supports parsing of the <binding-arguments> sub-element. You can now configure the <binding> of the <headers-exchange> with a key/value attribute pair (to match on a single header) or with a <binding-arguments> sub-element (allowing matching on multiple headers). These options are mutually exclusive. See Headers

Routing Connection Factory

A new SimpleRoutingConnectionFactory has been introduced. It allows configuration of ConnectionFactories mapping, to determine the target ConnectionFactory to use at runtime. See Routing Connection

MessageBuilder and MessagePropertiesBuilder

“Fluent APIs” for building messages or message properties are now provided. See Message Builder

RetryInterceptorBuilder Change

A “Fluent API” for building listener container retry interceptors is now provided. See Failures in Synchronous Operations and Options for

RepublishMessageRecoverer Added

This new MessageRecoverer is provided to allow publishing a failed message to another queue (including stack trace information in the header) when retries are exhausted. See Message Listeners and the Asynchronous

Default Error Handler (Since 1.3.2)

A default ConditionalRejectingErrorHandler has been added to the listener container. This error handler detects fatal message conversion problems and instructs the container to reject the message to prevent the broker from continually redelivering the unconvertible message. See Exception

Listener Container 'missingQueuesFatal` Property (Since 1.3.5)

The SimpleMessageListenerContainer now has a property called missingQueuesFatal (default: true). Previously, missing queues were always fatal. See Message Listener Container

C.2.15. Changes to 1.2 Since 1.1

RabbitMQ Version

Spring AMQP now uses RabbitMQ 3.1.x by default (but retains compatibility with earlier versions). Certain deprecations have been added for features no longer supported by RabbitMQ 3.1.x — federated exchanges and the immediate property on the

Rabbit Admin

RabbitAdmin now provides an option to let exchange, queue, and binding declarations continue when a declaration fails. Previously, all declarations stopped on a failure. By setting ignore-declaration-exceptions, such exceptions are logged (at the WARN level), but further declarations continue. An example where this might be useful is when a queue declaration fails because of a slightly different ttl setting that would normally stop other declarations from

RabbitAdmin now provides an additional method called getQueueProperties(). You can use this determine if a queue exists on the broker (returns null for a non-existent queue). In addition, it returns the current number of messages in the queue as well as the current number of

Rabbit Template

Previously, when the …​sendAndReceive() methods were used with a fixed reply queue, two custom headers were used for correlation data and to retain and restore reply queue information. With this release, the standard message property (correlationId) is used by default, although you can specify a custom property to use instead. In addition, nested replyTo information is now retained internally in the template, instead of using a custom

The immediate property is deprecated. You must not set this property when using RabbitMQ 3.0.x or

JSON Message Converters

A Jackson 2.x MessageConverter is now provided, along with the existing converter that uses Jackson

Automatic Declaration of Queues and Other Items

Previously, when declaring queues, exchanges and bindings, you could not define which connection factory was used for the declarations. Each RabbitAdmin declared all components by using its

Starting with this release, you can now limit declarations to specific RabbitAdmin instances. See Conditional

AMQP Remoting

Facilities are now provided for using Spring remoting techniques, using AMQP as the transport for the RPC calls. For more information see

Requested Heart Beats

Several users have asked for the underlying client connection factory’s requestedHeartBeats property to be exposed on the Spring AMQP CachingConnectionFactory. This is now available. Previously, it was necessary to configure the AMQP client factory as a separate bean and provide a reference to it in the

C.2.16. Changes to 1.1 Since 1.0


Spring-AMQP is now built with

Adds support for publisher confirms and

Adds support for HA queues and broker

Adds support for dead letter exchanges and dead letter

AMQP Log4j Appender

Adds an option to support adding a message ID to logged

Adds an option to allow the specification of a Charset name to be used when converting String to byte[]